First of all, not true. Kerem shalom is open - so open in fact that Palestinians are firing mortars at it as there are Israeli soldiers there inspecting the trucks going in and hence are targets for Hamas.
Secondly, yes this is majorly Egypt's fault as they've completely barricaded any entry into Sinai from Gaza. So any notion of "open air prison" is due to Egypt's usage of Gazans as human pawns in its clandestine effort to destroy Israel as a sovereign Jewish state.
Third, these same "Palestinians" (in quotes because there is really no such thing as a Palestinian nation) were the ones cheering and joining Hamas terrorists when they entered Jewish settlements across the fence and murdered, burned, raped and mutilated noncombatant men, women and children on October 7. They're also the same people whose highest aspirations from childhood are killing Jews and who also deem being a 'shahid' the loftiest fate. They deserve no aid nor sympathy and the most generous proposal is to ship them out of there into Egypt or wherever else, as they've proven beyond a doubt that they're not interested in any type of peace and that they're not worthy being in the vicinity of Jews.
Well said