Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Donald Trump announces he is accepting presidential campaign donations in cryptocurrency.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 9 May
@lnproxy I sent you a dm on nostr.
Is this meant as an insult?
The 6-color rainbow is what’s gay.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @soft 9 May
that's gay
Day 142 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 290 sats on 7May2024! Running total: 90,051 sats!
oh man, I saw some interesting things from Mark Twain. He had a lot of wisdom.
I see posts saying good morning but never goodnight! Since I seem to be spending a lot of time with you guys I thought it appropriate! So, to sleepyland I go and I bid you goodnight!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 9 May
And wake up now.. It's good morning now 😆
a good book to dive into
Day 103 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow Total: 125 (Day 207 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 106 of 120+ pushups per day)
Firing up the printer again
This is going to be an interesting one to write!
I want to see how you're going to get out of this one. How can we live in a utopia if utopia is imaginary and impossible?
I will respond by asking - why do you think anything is impossible?
I don't believe anything is impossible. What I'm saying is that by definition, a utopia is an imaginary and impossible thing. That's what the dictionary says
The reason that @Undisciplined wrote "narrative violation" is because they guessed I was going to present a point that goes against the masses.
The dictionary was written by the masses as language grew. The masses believe that something is imaginary if it does not exist.
However, something only doesn't exist if you can't see it, hear it etc.
Take the tree that falls in the woods when no one is there to hear it fall - does it make a noise? What may seem imaginary to some, is very real to others.
I hope that makes sense - I am in the middle of a meeting whilst typing!
Warning! Narrative violation.
I'm looking forward to it.
narrative violation?
It's something @kr used to say in jest when someone presented a point that ran counter to prevailing views.
aaaah! I was wondering what I was doing wrong then 😂
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @Nadia 8 May
Yes, it is.
We are living in utopia from the medieval era!
i would love to know what you mean by that?
I think what she's trying to say is that the current reality was a utopia in medieval times. I think that makes sense.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 May
We really do - absent evil people.
you may enjoy it! Posting tomorrow :)
Edward Snowden destroys censorship in less than 25 seconds: Source:
I still have food poisoning 😭
So did Jordan in the '98 Finals. Didn't stop him
This is the motivation I need
154 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 8 May
I bought the an early paperback print of Grapes of Wrath after not being able to find a satisfactory modern print.
If I am ever to become a book publisher, I'll exclusively do paperbacks with paper/art quality comparable to hardcovers.
Pocket paperbacks?
It's not entirely about size, but size is part of it. I want high quality, portable, flexible books without obnoxious publisher self-promotions.
I was once in a training session and was told that the Ikigai I chose was wrong and I needed to pick again😫
349 sats \ 1 reply \ @plebpoet 8 May
I put a dying plant in a bottle of water. I was sure it wouldn't survive, and sure enough, its single leaf shriveled and fell. Well, too lazy to remove it, I left it sitting on my plant stand surrounded by other plant life I've successfully maintained. Today I noticed, after a month or so, a new leaf has grown up out of its bulb, and multiple strands of roots are curling around in the bottle. Proves I'm not the author of what lives and dies. Thankful for that fact.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 May
subscribed for more plant updates
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 May
Some people are dumb enough that they think they’re smart.
Sure. Nevertheless, most people think they are smarter than most people
Recovering from our vacation!
73 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 8 May
102 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 98 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Morning Freaks,
Keep fighting the good fight.
Thanks, Hustle
The fight will continue until the storm subsides
The attacks will continue until morale improves
LFG Freaks!
This meme accurately portrays the last 5 years of TheWildHustles' life.
Implementing route hints has changed my perspective of Lightning.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 8 May
For better or for worse?
Well, now I am more familiar with how route hints work.
What bothers me is that they use a different key for the fee_rate_milli_msats. And route hints don't include information about the capacity of a channel, but a route object (which is constructed from route hints) does.
102 sats \ 3 replies \ @gnilma 8 May
Good morning stackers.
Day 101 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 8 May
You were late today and still beat me to the punch.
My son got in a bit of trouble with my wife for being on bandlab instead of doing his school work so she graciously placed him under my supervision at the kitchen table and went to take the dog for a walk. Little did she know, he and I spent the first 30 minutes talking about baseball and how bad the Blue Jays are playing and neither of us accomplished anything. Haha.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @gnilma 8 May
These father son bonding moments are important. I would say the both of you accomplished a lot by sharing a great moment together.
162 sats \ 0 replies \ @nullama 8 May
Owning your own things...
Having money saved...
Those things feel great.
But we live in a world where most people are in huge debt.
Debt is slavery. Savings is freedom.
Don't listen to your bank when they say you can get a huge mortgage, get half of that or less if you can. Live within your means and you'll live a great life.
I speak with Andrew L. Wilson, Author and Professor of History of Christianity as well as a Bitcoiner and host of The Disentanglement Podcast, exploring privacy tech and the surveillance state.
We talk about infrastructure, AI, money, and democracy: the challenges of our generation.
We also discuss an article that Andrew wrote from before he knew about Bitcoin, about local currencies and circular economies that has some interesting parallels.
Hello hello hello gang, it's the middle of the week and boy it sure is going fast, let's make sure our weekly strategies are working or need tweaking, it has been a rather interesting week and mother's day is just around the corner, so make sure you thank your mother and pamper her all that you can, I wish you all a fantastic day and may it be filled with success, productivity and joy, you're amazing and you matter my friend, you're important, never forget it and I'm proud of you. As always, be well and stay frosty!!
@k00b is search indexing currently down? My daily mining comment script didn't seem to find my comments from yesterday, but found them from the day before. Anything interesting going on on your end that you're aware of?
99 sats \ 7 replies \ @k00b 8 May
Hmmm I’ll check it out.
You’re a douche. You must love being centralized. Free speech my ass. Go suck some more Darth cock.
1000 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 8 May
Mom, is that you?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Reign 8 May
No argument lol. Keep ripping these guys off with your “reward system” that just so happens to have the same people top 4 everyday.
With their names hidden and yours just under it. Seems totally legit. XD
116 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 8 May
lmao! :)
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 8 May
Reproduced manually, too:
99 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 8 May
Found the issue. Worker isn't picking up .env.production for some reason.
eek 😬 what does that mean for salted emails?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 8 May
The salt isn't in .env.production fortunately.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 May
Fixed. The worker was loading env files from its parent directory .. but pwd was already the parent, so it was looking in its grandparent.
... now I have to figure out how fix all those missing entries in the search index ... and all the unproxied images.
Thank you for the update and the de-brief!
Last resort: indexAllItems
But maybe you could just craft a manual one-off DB job to index a range of items, if you can figure out when the outage occurred. Seems only about 48 hours worth, roughly.
Not sure about the image proxy...
OK I'll stop being prescriptive now :)
Oh, right! Whew
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @cant_say 8 May
good morning stackers. syncing a fresh node on a new device while sipping coffee. life is good.
Safari nuked my beautiful curated tabs.
Back to zero
182 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nadia 8 May
I found this deep quote:
"Sometimes you think that you want to disappear but all you really want is to be found.”
This hit me real hard.
Only if you want to be found. I found myself long ago. Pretty comfy wherever I go or don't go now.
I am stealing this to give to a group of students who are currently studying perspective!
Steal away, I did the same and didn't zap because the place I stole from didn't have the means to zap. 🤠
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullama 8 May
It is what it is.
Preparing for a job transition and getting fixated with left-field interview questions. Today’s question comes from @IamSINGLE.
Do you prefer doing a job or setting up a business?
Obviously, since I’m a teacher, I prefer being employed gainfully. I welcome the distinctive boundary between work and life: school terms vs holidays. But I don’t think being a teacher prevents me from having an entrepreneurial mindset. I have always been proactive about trying out new technologies and conducting lessons in novel ways. In fact, I will present on how to leverage AI tools to streamline teachers’ planning processes for a Virtual Meet session for the fraternity. My gung-ho nature, coupled with my willingness to take creative risks, helps me come across as “a breath of fresh air” (quoting my ex-colleague’s words).
Oh man, I just had an interview. They asked me why they should hire me. I told them I was in it for the long term, so whatever resources and education they put into me, it would pay off in the years to come. They looked at me like I was crazy. Then I told them, a diamond starts out as rough, and once it is polished it becomes something that everyone desires.
And... if I got asked this and answered honestly... I wouldn't get the job!
Although I would love the stability of a steady income my heart lies with being the master of my own destiny, being able to pick my own hours, my own holidays and my own clients! So the thought of going back to PAYE makes me feel sick to the stomach and I don't wanna!
I say just after applying for a job for the first time in 14 years 😂😂😂
It depends really.
It seems easier to just do a job for a lot of pay, and then live your life than setup a business.
Now, once you earn enough money, I would be happy to do my own thing, and even release it all for free maybe. Once you don't have to worry about paying bills, it's all great.
House inspection over! The dog can now come out of hiding and my kids can trash the place again😂
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 8 May
And you start screaming and scolding them 😂
Of course!😂
72 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 8 May
There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance, and imitation is suicide...
and the envied will smile, and the imitated will be flattered :)
doesn't sound like you've forgiven anyone
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 8 May
I have. But some people don't get that.
your initial post seems to suggest you only forgive people because you don't have a gun to either shoot them or shoot yourself.
174 sats \ 4 replies \ @zana 8 May
Flower in my hair challenge for 10 days. Day 3 - Flower in my hair
3 flowers... I will expect one more every day now...
So pretty!
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 8 May
124 sats \ 4 replies \ @Nadia 8 May
Beauty will save the world, said Dostoevsky. And that beauty is called Bitcoin...
All the numbers that Satoshi had to decide on and then start the system....
It is just so brilliant and beautiful.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 8 May
And that beauty is the future.
deleted by author
Day 14 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
just around 1400 days to go then!
356 sats \ 13 replies \ @Lux 8 May


Today the average person is unaware that they are indeed a slave, with almost all of their wealth and freedom being stolen from them throughout their life.
This unseen slavery is linked to “your” Birth Certificate, the legal system and the modern day financial and monetary system, but it all started with your name.

Law of the Sea

Eons ago Man and Woman were considered opposite but interconnected forces, or the “Yin-Yang” of life.
Although both were different they depended on each other for life to exist.
Many ancient cultures considered the meeting of the land with the sea to symbolise this, with the law of the sea being feminine, and the law of the land being masculine.
This is why throughout history, the sea would be referenced in the feminine, with “enchantment” of the sea being an allegory to how women enchant men, and was symbolised with mermaids and “sirens of the sea”.
All ships are referred to with feminine pronouns, with names and figureheads often being female.
The law of the land was considered masculine, as land would give stability and security, with the man often becoming the provider and protector of his woman and child.
Today maritime law has become the rape of the feminine, with the theft of her child.
what do i with the original declaration of birth from a non-US country?
I have heard about this and it fascinates me!
Today the average person is unaware that they are indeed a slave, with almost all of their wealth and freedom being stolen from them throughout their life.
Is Elon Musk a slave?
Is Bill Gates a slave?
I get the sentiment, and yeah, it sucks if you are a random worker in the US, but this is just not how the whole thing works, specially outside the US.
It's all the same, everywhere, globally
I can't get it. How does the birth certificate establish that we become slave.
However I understand that birth certificate isn't at all a necessity. Even I don't have my birth certificate. In my country, the birth certificates weren't as prevalent when I was born as they are now.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 8 May
laying the foundation it will become much clearer over the next week. didn't want to make it too long
Ahh okay that's fine. I also thought it was missing something between the first and the second heading.
Birth certificates are really unnecessary, I believe.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @mo 8 May
This maybe help you better comprehend #515857
Nice post. I don't still have my birth certificate. So I think I should not be considered a slave. I will role the world.
Day 45 of my daily posting journey, keeping my hat on. previously: #531372 🤠⚡

A very wise person once told me...
"It's none of your business what others think of you"
I agree!
It also works with yourself... if you sit quietly and listen to yourself, you cut out all the extra chatter and can zone in on what you really think about something :)
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 8 May
That's true!