Living like a hunter-gatherer of the past, with the [technological] advancements of today -and future.
I see it the same way... In addition, there is a peaceful coexistence where the village elder teaches the little ones.
You're raised into a human being, instead of a worker.
Talking about it... A very good book of John Seymour: The forgotten arts and crafts
Hm, if that ain't the Amish's Bible, then what?! 🤠
On a serious note: it looks like it'd be a very handy book to the self reliance folks.
Are you self reliant? Do you have a homestead?
I've been working a lot on self-sufficiency and survival skills. It's always good to know how to build your own tools... No. I'm well connected to farmers, but don't have an own farm.
Hm, and in how far are you actually able to handle yourself?
How exactly do you mean?
How self sufficient are ya?