I configured a LN Address for auto-withdrawal at https://stacker.news/settings/wallets
How can I remove it? I don't see a way to do that?
You should see a detach button on the configuration page
Here is what I see. Note, I removed my LN Addr from the input field just for privacy, but rest assured, it is actually configured
Oh, I see, found the bug in the code.
Did my screenshot show up for you? It's not showing for me...
0 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 6 May
Yes, shows up for me 🤔
Do you see this one?:
0 sats \ 7 replies \ @ek 6 May
Mhh, maybe it has to do with the change in the markdown syntax?
Do you see A:
Do you see B:
Do you see C:
Do you see A: https://m.stacker.news/29785 Do you see B: ![](https://m.stacker.news/29785) Do you see C: ![test.png](https://m.stacker.news/29785)
I don’t see one. When I get back to my computer I’ll share what I see