I think you will be fired up by Gretchen Rubin’s words as seen below:
Since I post daily on SN, I stacked one more habit on top of it recently: cross-post my writing here on my personal blog every day. I don’t care if it takes a lifetime; I just want to withdraw $150 from Google Adsense at least once. Living by habits that matter to me personally makes me feel powerful.
I also related to your second quote. I suggest you think about where your team is and meet them where they are. For example, I have two students who can’t spell “How are you?” I m not kidding; their memory is that bad. So every time they come to school, I give them my coloured letters and force them to spell out this sentence. There is no shame in getting the basics right!
I made my students write 7 vocabulary words 3 times each... the next time the head teacher came in and told me I couldnt do that anymore because it is too hard on the students. I made them turn in their writing before they left the class at the end of the day.