Not sure if I've told this story before but I know a guy got a speeding ticket in a small town in the south. He had to report to a school gym where they handle all the cases each month. They sell hotdogs and the judge is on the stage burning through traffic cases. Friend told me it was the biggest joke he'd ever seen. Town is tiny and pretty sure this is how they fund their police dept.
This sounds much more interesting than spending two hours on a conference call with 30 other people waiting to resolve their tickets who don't know how to mute their phones and at least 1/3 of them don't speak much English. Nothing against non native English speakers but when the judge is asking them a basic question and they can't understand him, and he can't understand them it doesn't make things speedy.
I ended up negotiating 75 bucks off my ticket in the end so I guess it wasn't a total waste, but the hotdog judge sounds more fun.
I'm well acquainted with the speed trap town. It's an ugly side of small town America.