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🙏 Please Donate

Zaps to this post (or into my DMs any time) contribute to 100K monthly territory fee.
Fund raising target is 55K.
Please let me know in the comments if you zap large sums.

Treasury Cashflow

March 2024 +9K April 2024 +32K

Treasury Balance

As of time of accounting (May 2nd 2024) 41K

Owner's Pledge

If this territory ever runs a cumulative net profit, I'll find a way to do right by the earliest contributors. There is no guarantee of that scenario. Most likely, it'll take the form of "pay-it-forward"-style BTC-adoption/effort/charity.

Accounting Ledger Notes

Prior Post is #493332

Crowd Funded Contributions for April 2024 - thank-you!

@Undisciplined 60K x 90% = 54K* @OriginalSize 30K x 90% = 27K* @grayruby "a couple k" x 90% = 1.8K* Anons 4.7K x 90% = 4.2K*
Total Requested = 55K
Total Received = 87K
*Net Change to Territory Treasury = 32K
* See #526829

Operational Metrics

Operational Metrics at Time of Accounting for April: 793.7k stacked \ 69.4k revenue \ 913.5k spent \ 1957 posts \ 7318 comments
Operational Metrics at Time of Accounting for March: 532.9k stacked \ 43.6k revenue \ 611k spent \ 1418 posts \ 5148 comments

Cashflow Statement for April 2024

Approx Revenue = +27.5K Crowdfunding = +87K Owners Contribution = +45K Expenses = -100K

Territory Changelog

  • 2024/04/04 - @Undisciplined & @jeff decided to raise the posting fee. It was changed from 10 to 21 sats. See #493344
  • 2024/04/03 - @jeff started the Territory Treasury.
The concept of a treasury was started after a surplus of donations above target.
Any surplus above the requested amount will be added to Territory Treasury (TT). Governance is still TBD, and will potentially be used if donations drop below target, stimulating territory growth via incentives/games, or pay-it-forward BTC-adoption. Either way, I will likely wait until it is a decent size, before committing it to a plan or design. I'm mulling inspiration from a Tontine for ~econ contributors combined with PoW. I encourage past and present donors and posters to make suggestions on how to spend this to stimulate the Territory's growth. I'll start a thread if it reaches 100K.


Do not donate with the expectation of receiving a share of future profits. This is not a security offering.
For next month, I'm going to try to find time to do a cumulative analysis.
This month, I actually started losing sats slower than I was in the past few months, I'm still deep in the red on a cumulative basis.
Need to find a plan to get to sustainability, that doesn't involve monthly crowdfunding.
Thank you sir!
My pleasure. One of my favourite territories. Where else am I going to post about the sad state of Canadian affairs?
Here ya go: This is one of my favorite territories
Counting this in the anon bucket.
Typos ftw!
Threw in 1K. It's not huge, but this is a valuable territory and has one of the best signal/noise ratios here.
Thanks mate!
25k for May
How do you feel raising the fee went?
If there wasn't much drop off in posting, maybe we can double it again.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
I didn't observe much of a difference post wise. 10 vs 21 sats was likely negligible to posters, but added ~6k in rev.
The economist in me, wants to measure the price sensitivity. And is with you. But I don't want to invite price-based competing territories.
The dev and community builder in me wants to find a game we can play with API-based feedback into the posting price....after analyzing posting behaviour. For instance, i'd love to make posting fees negative for high-integrity users. With a full API and a bit more data, I could do that via automated rebate.
For instance, i'd love to compile a distribution of # of posts per day vs sats earned for just ~econ. Then, build a model based on that.
We have almost half a year of data. A bit more will help.
Kind of like implementing the Martingale Betting System but for posting fees. I like it.
This is a very cool way to do territory accounting! I'm definitely taking notes for how I can adapt this for ~Warhammer in the future!
@grayruby "a couple k" x 90% = 1.8K*
shots fired lol
why shots fired?
just that he slighted you by saying 1.8k wasn't a full "couple k"
He didn't. He was accounting for the 10% zap fee that goes to rewards. When he posted last month, I responded "sent a couple k".
So on a 2k sat zap 1800 would go to him and 200 would be fees that go to the rewards pool.
100%. Definitely no shots fired.
ahh ok