Lmao I fucked up already at work and its not even 10 AM. I was laying on the couch of my subcommittee boss and I guess it startled him and he forgot his password for his computer... He has been locked out for an hour now as we wait for IT to come and unlock it.... Needless to say he is pissed
So people are paying taxes so you and your incompetent boss don't know to do nothing than waste people's money... right.
Homie... I don't think that was even English...
It would never occur to me to lie down on my bosses furniture.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 30 Apr
Idk our office is definitely different than most. He's my boss in that he is the next level above me but he also doesn't have the ability to hire or fire. Not to mention he does need me for a lot of stuff... I kinda carved out this great little niche of being able to do/fix almost anything within the office and know how everything operates so I can push the limits more
Maybe it is how I grew up. I would not lie down on anyone's furniture without permission. And hardly any condition that want emergency would lead me to ask permission. It's not something we do where I am from, I guess.