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Hard times creates new types of demand from users.

This mini-guide is only for those more knowledgeable and with a more entrepreneurial mindset.
The future of Bitcoin is built by entrepreneurs not by governments. By those that create value and sell it for sats.
My proposal as I always said: be the change if you want to see change around you. Do not wait for others to do the job for you because nobody will do it.
I explained more in this guide How Bitcoin will save the world why we need more merchants adoption, that could drive further the use of Bitcoin. Bitcoin without being used as money will simply became a "compliance token" controlled by Saylors, Finks and other ETFs.


Hear me out, here are 2 types of small businesses you can start in your own local community and soon will have a huge demand:
  • Run a local Bitcoin LN bank
  • Run a local / online business that offer refurbished mobile de-googled devices, for more private use with Bitcoin. Nowadays we are seeing many clueless users still using iShit devices and bloatware stock android devices, full of Google and Apple spyware and invasion of privacy. We need to help those clueless users to break free from that cage.
So you could buy new or used devices, clean their OS and personalize them for each of your client, installing specific apps that they want. Of course only open source apps, not using anymore App Stores. Also you help them setup their Bitcoin wallets and all that stuff. Remember: your time and knowledge is paid in sats.
Refurbished devices are still a very good option and also easier to de-google. For some bitcoin apps you do not need a fancy ultra extra expensive device. In the end you just need something to be able to pay over LN.
Funny slogan you can use:

If you buy a de-googled device from me, you can get a free LN account with my LN bank.

Yes, don't laugh, this is how you can help many clueless users to get onboard. And I wrote several guides about these scenarios (listed at the end).

Important aspect: for your LN bank, create a PMA

Yes, make that "bank" totally private, so nobody can come after you. What is PMA? PMA = Private Members Association. In other words, is none of other business. Study more this aspect, it can protect you from many things. Here is a playlist with which you can start.
Also study more the aspect to became a sovereign individual. As I always scream loud here, is the ONLY way to go forward. Forget about all that crap with "respecting the gov laws" etc That will not get you anywhere and you will end up in jail. Is like the dog trying to eat his tail.
@Lux was posting "sovereign pills" every fucking day in the SN Saloon. Please read them all and take notes, save them and study more about those aspects. I know is not so easy to escape from this "slavery jail cage" that the state built around you for centuries. But is all in your mind, not in the physical world.
I know, many will not agree with me, I don't care, as I always said:
In the end everybody will come back to my words.


You even can use all these guides to teach your clients
There are many tools and solutions out there, just think about these scenarios. If you have any other questions about use cases and how to start something like this, do not hesitate to ask me here on SN. I will help you with anything I can.

May The Bitcoin Be With You !

Thanks for the mention.
Lightning.Pub isn't packaged up nicely for people averse to the command line quite yet, given the stage of development, but we are looking at packaging and distribution over the next month or so. Folks should stay tuned!
As you mentioned, the goal of the project is to make running Lightning infrastructure for your friends/family/customers easier than previously thought possible.
It may come as a surprise that the biggest hurdle to more Uncle Jim's hasn't been with Bitcoin/Lightning node management itself, that's easily automated as illustrated by bad patterns like mobile nodes.
It's the legacy baggage of traditional web infrastructure, things like IP4 reverse proxies, DNS, Firewalls and SSL certificates, all which require a personal configuration that is a hurdle for most.
We've solved that with a Nostr native RPC, and have some reverse SSH services in the works for backward compatibility with LNURL.
ShockWallet (also a dev alpha) is our reference client, you can experiment with today and not just with a Pub back-end. LNURL accounts can be added to the wallet as well.
Any would-be tinkers should feel free to reach out if they need some help getting started, helping you helps us to know where frictions lay.
There's nothing I want to see more than millions of family lightning nodes (not on a damn phone!) causing the deep state a fit as Bitcoin becomes the dominant world-wide Means of Exchange.
Please can you add more documentation on the ShockWallet and LightningPub docs page? I mean how a pleb could connect the wallet to his own node, how to run a and configure a LightningPub server etc.
I see that is started but not too much in there, the links goes to Github repo https://docs.shock.network/wallet/intro
It would be good to have instructions if we want more people to test it.
πŸ’― plebification WIP
Thank you for this additional information!
be sure to configure wireguard on the devices you sell to users. have their DNS point to your DNS server over WG and have it direct to other useful services in your WG network.
The future of Bitcoin is built by entrepreneurs not by governments. By those that create value and sell it for sats.
Hear me out, here are 2 types of small businesses you can start in your own local community and soon will have a huge demand:
Run a local Bitcoin LN bank Run a local / online business that offer refurbished mobile de-googled devices, for more private use with Bitcoin. Nowadays we are seeing many clueless users still using iShit devices and bloatware stock android devices, full of Google and Apple spyware and invasion of privacy. We need to help those clueless users to break free from that cage.
why not solving more practical problems? πŸ‘€ I would suggest starting with the essential ones, and thinking within - what problems are you solving for yourself?
Brilliance, depth, passion, teaching, mentoring and community - it is all here. I am personally so glad you came back from your hiatus.
Steadfast, uncompromising, principled and caring, but dgaf about your pidley feelings!
More please!
Damnit Darth lol you really motivate me to try this out haha
If you have the skills, please go ahead. You will thank me later. This post is just an idea, you can expand it from this idea to many things.
If you start helping your local community, you create local value. Local value makes communities strong. Then you don't give a shit about what is happening in the world.
What if someone doesn’t have the skills?
Learn or just be a user of those.
You would have to trust the one cleaning your device. Mmmm where is the do not trust, verify ?
there has to be reality with this. We can get MORE people to self-verify, but history and human behavior says we will not get MOST to self-verify. Thus, we have a highly potential market opportunity.
Do good and you will get back good.
Then do it in front of them. The thing is that not everybody will learn to do it themselves. Be a good service provider and your reputation will increase. Why don't you think like that?
Be the good one and lead by example!
Private Members Association
Omg Darth, you gonna wake up the slaves :)))
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that was just a hint...
LoRa mesh networks for payments over Lightning
Yes indeed, you see how many things you can add to just a simple idea?
I do see at least a few things. But I would want to start simple and easy as to not lose or prevent motivation. Things could be added after the initial module.
De-googled phones is a good start but not enough, to these hardware services we can add refurbished laptops running Linux to get rid of Windows and MacOS spying agents and run nodes and Sparrow on a clean laptop
Good point!
At this point Darth should open an online PMA University.
Darth already have an army of padawans, no University = no license needed hha
This is true. Pardon my fiat riddled brain.
Sir, I am here to open the doors and show people the right path...
Awesome idea! Noted and bookmarked!
Love this idea.
How to buy a de-googled device from you?
Better find your local "Darth-shop" :)
I am based in India. Do you have Darth shop here.
@DarthCoin: Nowadays, we are seeing many clueless users still using iShit devices and bloatware stock android devices, full of Google and Apple spyware and invasion of privacy. We need to help those clueless users to break free from that cage.
Translation: These normies are trapped in their hamster cage, open their cage don't mean they leave. Help Grandma get on de-googled phone. Once she is onboard, she'll pound the rest of the family to do so.
Those that will not leave, will get what they fucking deserve.
Translation: Listen or get rekted
I'm actually surpised because where I live in the U.S. not a single soul accepts bitcoin as money. I know there are more bitcoiners in AZ!
I'm offering deGoogled Pixel phones in my area.
Please participate in this poll to help me prioritize the models.
Bitcoin without being used as money will simply became a "compliance token" controlled by Saylors, Finks and other ETFs.
Agree πŸ’―
PMA = Private Members Association. In other words, is none of other business.
in the US, it should be a Church. The nice thing about a church is that unless you want a bank account*, it's not terribly hard to define your organization as a church. The beliefs of a church as Darth has suggested are pretty obvious but you could fine-tune, something along the lines of: "All Hail Satoshi", and "Truth In Transaction Sequence".
Removing Fiat from the equation won't be so easy tho... you're going to need to get your internet and electricity from somewhere. Start figuring it out soon.
[* - since the only two ways that the State can enforce it's intent are the IRS and Cops, getting a bank can be difficult as the IRS has some claims as to what a church is not. of course, they can't tell you what a church is. DYOR ]
Does he take his own advice?
Bitcoin is for those who want freedom.
And what is freedom, other than self-responsibility?