As a kid I always enjoyed the act of writing. And my teachers gave me praise and good marks so naturally I was motivated to write more. But as I progressed into high school and college, the joy for writing began to dissipate as my motivation became more externally driven, to get the grade I needed to get in order to go to some good college. And all of these research papers and papers on which I had no particular interest in turned me off of writing. However, now in my late 20s, I have a rekindled appreciation for writing.
Like you I often write for myself both in a private setting (journaling) and in a public space such as on SN. I once again enjoy writing just to express and to share, as well as to keep a written record of my own life, something I can pass down to the next generation or something I can reread later in life. I also write to engage in meaningful discussions and to partake in the sharing of ideas, experiences, and unique perspectives. Writing in a public space also helps with my writing skills and improving daily in better articulating my thoughts. And when you find a space in which you are a part of other like minded people (SN), and your writing encourages meaningful discussion and communication, all the more fun writing becomes!