I know this is not a polite question… But do you live only with bitcoin because you get paid with bitcoin on the work you do or you are able to live with the bitcoin you purchased years ago ?
I don't mind to answer this kind of question. I live only using BTC because:
  • I want to ... FUCK THE BANKS AND GOVS
  • I start stacking in 2012
  • I start earning BTC (work for BTC / be paid in BTC) from 2017 - this is the BEST way to get BTC !
  • in 2020 I decided to retire and not working anymore, just writing bitcoin guides and help noobs, so yes, practically I am retired on BTC.
Anybody that could have the option to be paid in BTC: DO IT!
“ Anybody that could have the option to be paid in BTC: DO IT! “
That’s the plan :)