This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Continuing work on launching next company. Created one-pager with research related to TAM, just wrapped up product discovery questionnaire. Next week will be focused on additional product discovery
Just tried posting a poll and it works to perfection! :)
However, the "edit" function has a bug in it, I believe. When you edit a poll, it only allows you to edit the title, and not the actual options of the poll @k00b
could someone share links or thread on how to make markdown post come to life on a SN
particularly looking for how to insert gifs and embeds
at ikea with @k00b browsing looking for stuff and funny enough he has particular taste that isn’t ikea 🤷‍♂️
I tried using the search feature to look up posts on architecture of SN, but got distracted when there were many results and had to click "more" to scroll through.
@k00b I'm curious if you ever wrote a post about "how" stacker news is built on top of lightning.
The GitHub in the footer explains at a high level
Китай будет Обороняться.сша хочет бросит атомную бомбу и сказать что это Китай.
Think I’m starting to get Stacker News anxiety. I often think where is the best place to post my random thoughts. Is it in this daily thread or should I be making SN posts?!!
Probably the daily thread
Been thinking about it, seems like minimal features and bells and whistles is what makes this website great. Not saying some tweaks couldn’t make it better, but the more complex you make it, the closer you are to trying to become just another social media. I love the straightforward nature of just scrolling through recent posts as opposed to the algorithmically curated BS from Twitter/meta.
Completely agree! Keeping it simple is the way forward :)
How to embed tweets into SN posts?
Embed is automatic for Link Posts for Tweets and Youtubes links.
There is no way currently, AFAIK, to embed it yourself into a Discussion post, or a comment reply.
Click on post button then choose link.
Hi everybody, please tag me in the daily thread when you repost SN posts to Reddit/Twitter.
Gm. Can the SN Lightning Wallet be developed to be non-custodial?
This is more out of curiosity rather than a feature request (I'm sure @k00b is busy).
As of now, I transfer sats from SN to other Lightning wallets to store sats in wallets with self custody backups (Muun, Breez etc).
Is there potential in the future to allow users to take a backup of the SN wallet itself so we won't have to transfer to another wallet?
We will be exploring non-custodial wallets later this year. It's complicated because of latency, failure modes, and security.
At the very least we'll be providing ways for you to keep your wallet below a certain threshold.
You can send (or withdraw) sats to SN in chunks e.g. every month. This "prepaid mode" even has the advantage to not drain your wallet accidentally.