I have a slightly different take on some of your points here and feel a need to share them as I consider myself a "Bitcoiner" but I do not conform to your assessment of me (as a Bitcoiner) here and offer the following as perhaps a more nuanced view. It is not that what you have stated is wrong or anything as it is your perspective and I respect and appreciate it... Rather it is to perhaps provide you with an alternative perspective from me as another Bitcoiner.
I recognize the FIAT game as the System or "CODE" humanity has evolved upon and I recognize the downfalls of that system.
I have and will continue to purchase assets which I believe have a "store of value" in them in FIAT terms and do my best to transfer that value into Bitcoin...this is just one of the methods we as Bitcoiners must utilize in order to demonetize (in FIAT terms) the current system. This methodical and orderly fashion of demonetization will help secure the robustness, reliability, and decentralization of the network. Bitcoiners will look for businesses operating under a Bitcoin standard and even more so businesses that are providing additional value to the network and not simply just those looking to tear down what has currently been built.
I agree with you that I will not stop, and likely many of us will not stop...we will strive to create value...but rather than for ourselves...we will create value for the network. Everything we do must ensure the network succeeds...our needs come second (though they certainly come as long as we provide security and value to the network). The network does not care about our individual successes or failures, the network simply operates as it was written. Everything built on top of the base layer must assure the base layer remains decentralized and secure or it that layer will fail...it will take time to determine what layers succeed and which fail....that is a beautiful emergent behavior of the base layer...all layers built upon it must be aligned with it or adapt to it or they will be destined to fail.
We don't need to see the number of our sats increase as we have the number of sats we should...we instead want to ensure the success of the network to ensure that our sats hold their value over time...this is a very important difference.
For what its worth....this is my two sats.