The growth is relative to their size. If you visit most places in Russia, I don’t think you would say it is thriving.
And now do the Eurozone...
Do you really want to compare EU to russia? Enough to say that (even pre war) there was literally no emigration to russia while opposite direction it was masses.
I remember visiting Romania & Hungary in the mid 2000s. Clay walls, outhouse toilets, chickens walking through living rooms, stamped-dirt roads and lots of trash. It only gets worse the further east you go: Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia.
I think some people just simp for Russia because it's provocative. That's a dumb reason. Not saying everything in Russia is bad - they certainly have a beautiful culture with operas, literature, classical music and breathtaking landscapes. Their economy or suppression of freedom of speech aren't to envy tho.
16 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 21 Apr
my point is to reveal relative developments. i know that there are still major economic differences between Russia and Europe, but they are gradually disappearing. it is dangerous not to take note of this
If anything, russia is becoming chinese vasal state.
Things are changing rapidly. Do You know the south of Europe?
You mean those when rich russians that manage to escape sanctions go to vacations? I certainly have russian friends that are doing everything to get some of eu citizenships. I mean every russian would tale eu/us citizenship rn. Russia is a shithole and more with every day.
Again. It's about relative change. And the Eurozone is in big trouble. and it's not just about the dysfunctional euro, the self-induced energy crisis, it's also a matter of legislation that is becoming increasingly totalitarian, introducing more and more bureaucracy, raising taxes ever higher and encroaching ever deeper into people's privacy. the EU is on a dangerous path.
EU is more shitty today vs 1995
If you expand membership to shithole countries guess what happens?
Another reason why EU should not accept Ukraine 🇺🇦