Things are changing rapidly. Do You know the south of Europe?
You mean those when rich russians that manage to escape sanctions go to vacations? I certainly have russian friends that are doing everything to get some of eu citizenships. I mean every russian would tale eu/us citizenship rn. Russia is a shithole and more with every day.
Again. It's about relative change. And the Eurozone is in big trouble. and it's not just about the dysfunctional euro, the self-induced energy crisis, it's also a matter of legislation that is becoming increasingly totalitarian, introducing more and more bureaucracy, raising taxes ever higher and encroaching ever deeper into people's privacy. the EU is on a dangerous path.
EU is more shitty today vs 1995
If you expand membership to shithole countries guess what happens?
Another reason why EU should not accept Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦