Just curious what people's thoughts are. I've seen a small trickle to SimpleX from Telegram in my local community BTC group, but not huge. I don't personally get why so many of the BTC chats are on Telegram, especially some that have all members listed publicly. E2E encryption on by default seems like a big deal and no user IDs, and I hope to try out the web app component in terms of avoiding app store dependency. I like that the project is on F-Droid and APK by default.
Couple of questions:
1- Curious if people have seen scaled group convos or if there are some that I could join. So far, I've observed that about ~5% of my local community have made the switch, but people are also staying on the Telegram, so I suspect user network effects will matter a lot
2- How should we think about the robustness of the privacy/security features on offer? Would love to unpack this. At first glance, it seems all really good to me, which is where I enter questioining mode haha. Wondering on the technical side, but also social side as well, if people have context on where the project came from, how funding works etc.