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Just curious what people's thoughts are. I've seen a small trickle to SimpleX from Telegram in my local community BTC group, but not huge. I don't personally get why so many of the BTC chats are on Telegram, especially some that have all members listed publicly. E2E encryption on by default seems like a big deal and no user IDs, and I hope to try out the web app component in terms of avoiding app store dependency. I like that the project is on F-Droid and APK by default.
Couple of questions:
1- Curious if people have seen scaled group convos or if there are some that I could join. So far, I've observed that about ~5% of my local community have made the switch, but people are also staying on the Telegram, so I suspect user network effects will matter a lot
2- How should we think about the robustness of the privacy/security features on offer? Would love to unpack this. At first glance, it seems all really good to me, which is where I enter questioining mode haha. Wondering on the technical side, but also social side as well, if people have context on where the project came from, how funding works etc.
SimpleX Chat is alway e2e encrypted, leaks less metadata than Signal, has enabled post quantum encryption, and has no user identifiers so it is by far the best as far as privacy goes but it is not great with large group chats yet. There are solutions coming later this year that will help the large group situation. The largest group I am in has 1,000+ members though most don’t seem to be active.
Yeah, thanks - is it more of a technical group issue or user adoption? If people are part of 200+ member group chats lmk
It is more technical at this point. You are connecting to each person in the group individually so as the group grows so does the number of connections and messages you need to send. If you aren’t connected to someone you won’t see their messages and they won’t see yours. But you may see someone interacting with messages that you never got.
Thanks, makes sense to me :)
I don't give a shit. I still use Telegram.
Privacy means you are doing something that is only in your private life, not on internet. Learn the differences between private and public. People nowadays consider that what are you doing on internet is private. It is not. It is PUBLIC. So that's why you should use a fake identity on internet. That will be your strawman, your "public face" that have absolutely nothing with your private life.
If you want privacy with your real life, then STAY AWAY FROM INTERNET.
I haven’t seen any large groups yet over there.
Yeah me neither - was curious if someone could let me know the largest group they've encountered lol. For me it's 11 people lol