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I came home with a lot of ideas. Then I saw dirty dishes and I noticed how I got instantly distracted by it.
At this moment, the impact of open loops became really clear to me.
this territory is moderated
This is the subject of a draft manifesto / research agenda for me: the neurological features of obligations. I call these loomings. The idea appears in lots of places -- your link is one such -- but if you pull the thread it goes nearly infinitely deep. Reality starts to unravel like a knit sweater.
It seems like one of the most important things in the world that almost nobody talks about.
Fellow open looper here.
I like to think about this in terms of the 80-20 principle. We can get five projects to 80% in the same time a closed looper gets one project done.
In a lot of cases, 80% is good enough, anyway, so we're basically 5x as productive.
I think this is about the open loops where not doing the last 20% gets more expensive over time and you can usually not escape from them.
Did you only read 80% of the text? 👀
I'm sure they do. That's why you need a closed looper to finish them up for you.
lol, teamwork
I'm open-close looper.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages at the same time. We can practice both at the same time and from my personal experience I can tell you that it's the best option.
Solution: keep your life simple and organized so to make space for your thoughts and creativity - I don't have dirty dishes at home:p