Although I agree in your strategies, I'm going to put some points that needs to be considered. But...
...before that, remember that here in Stacker News, everybody has a address-like email: and you'll find it in your bio. Mine, for instance is
Try it, send me some sats 😎

...Now, about the post itself, there are two main things we need to consider for Lightning Network:

LN can fail but that's OK

Remember, even if we're using daily and stats show every second people are using more and more, still very (VERY) early and can fail. Every aspect of LN is so early and untested that every day that passes, makes it stronger's some kind of beta usage. So...that for one thing.

On-chain > LN

The LN was made to help reduce the block usage for small tx. With the implementation of Segwit and more features coming, the fee tx we used to pay is way below. Only in terms of show someone, it's easier to set up a normal wallet and then continue to Lightning Network. Also, recall there are multiple times in a week where the fee is just 1 sat/vB, so pay something on-chain really works out.

Small conclusion

The strategies mentioned by th OP is for long-term strategies, remember to lower your time preferences if you want to use or earn sats.
So true! I agree with you.
And yes, the strategies here are long-term strategies. It takes time to build traction and trust but it's good to know that you don't have to wait before you can create your own medium through which you can be paid for the content you create. Most content creators just keep creating content and wait until they are "big" enough before they think about monetization or even reaching out for brand sponsorships.