It is every content creator’s dream to one day get paid for their creative work, whether it be through brand deals, sponsored posts, or brand partnerships. But the journey to being an influencer is long and requires a lot of patience.
It took most of our favorite influencers years for them to get to the point where the content creation was able to pay their bills and more.
Don’t let this get you discouraged!
There are some clever ways you can start getting support for your creative work today from anywhere in the world and in seconds. You do this by strategically using your Bitnob lightning address.
A lightning address allows you to send bitcoin on the lightning network. It looks like an email address, so it makes it convenient to share it with others. So instead of using the long alphanumeric lightning invoice, you can use an address-like email such as You can learn more about it here.
As a content creator, you can share your lightning address in your content or social media platforms so your followers can send you bitcoin as a way to support your content. Unlike the lightning invoice, your followers will have the opportunity to send you bitcoin without asking you to generate an invoice for it every time.
Here are 7 ways you can use your lightning address:
  1. Drop your lightning address in your bio
  2. Make it part of your email newsletters
  3. Write a Twitter thread and drop it at the end of the thread
  4. Include your lightning address as part of the description in your Youtube videos
  5. Drop your lightning address in the show notes of your podcast
  6. Include your lightning address on Twitch
  7. Mention your lightning address in your blog posts

This is a snippet from the full article originally written and published by Bitnob.
This is such a cool thread and article, Well done Team Bitnob.
At Alby, we are also strong supporters of the creator economy and are working on making payment streams easier and more accessible so that it is possible to reward creators and publishers on the Lightning Network with a Lightning Address seamlessly.
With the Alby extension, you can put your Lightning Address almost anywhere and start receiving contributions, Value4Value payments from your audience. Take a look here:
Online monetization will become easier. (and less dependent on the surveillance ad industry) Big High 5 to everyone who is supporting and promoting this new way of earning for creators.
Yay! Ably is doing an amazing job. I feel that lightning addresses will change the way content creators get paid for their creative work.
Just one additional point.
You can withdraw from Stacker News to any Lightning Address also (as well as deposit to your Stacker News account, where your Lightning Address is your <nym>@Stacker.News
Do you have a Lightning Address yet? Every account on Stacker.News does #7882
This is so cool! I love Stacker News 🧡
Pro tip: Prefixing your Lightning Address with a "⚡" helps to differentiate it from being an e-mail address. e.g.,
This was a convention used by Alby for their browser extension to be able to grab the Lightning address from somoene's Twitter profile, description in a Youtube video, Reddit profile, etc.
Thanks for the tip! I'll make sure I do this next time.
Content creators are going to be a big part in adoption slingshotting into the mainstream
I agree! These are exciting times for content creators.
Maybe Bitcoiners should actively reach out to content creators to make this adoption pathway possible
That'll be cool. I actually think something like this is going on right now. I know that Zebedee has an Ambassador program. So imagine a gamer signing up to something like that. They use the Zebedee wallet to stack sats and also receive sats as donations from their streams on Twitch.
Excellent post. Thanks for sharing the cool ideas.
You're welcome. Glad it was helpful.
The Bella example give isn't a valid Lightning address. Bella missed out on receiving some sats!
Oh well...poor Bella 😅
IMO lightning address is the best development of lightning. The use case is almost limitless.
What need to be implemented is a better UI for messages attached to a payment.
I agree with you! I think have a place to drop messages. Not sure how that shows up on the receiver's end though.
Although I agree in your strategies, I'm going to put some points that needs to be considered. But...
...before that, remember that here in Stacker News, everybody has a address-like email: and you'll find it in your bio. Mine, for instance is
Try it, send me some sats 😎

...Now, about the post itself, there are two main things we need to consider for Lightning Network:
LN can fail but that's OK
Remember, even if we're using daily and stats show every second people are using more and more, still very (VERY) early and can fail. Every aspect of LN is so early and untested that every day that passes, makes it stronger's some kind of beta usage. So...that for one thing.
On-chain > LN
The LN was made to help reduce the block usage for small tx. With the implementation of Segwit and more features coming, the fee tx we used to pay is way below. Only in terms of show someone, it's easier to set up a normal wallet and then continue to Lightning Network. Also, recall there are multiple times in a week where the fee is just 1 sat/vB, so pay something on-chain really works out.
Small conclusion
The strategies mentioned by th OP is for long-term strategies, remember to lower your time preferences if you want to use or earn sats.
So true! I agree with you.
And yes, the strategies here are long-term strategies. It takes time to build traction and trust but it's good to know that you don't have to wait before you can create your own medium through which you can be paid for the content you create. Most content creators just keep creating content and wait until they are "big" enough before they think about monetization or even reaching out for brand sponsorships.