Do words even have meaning any more? We really live in a post truth world. Trumps a liar... OK. Our whole system is based on lies told by liars being believed by people lying to themselves.
Little confused with where the Trump part comes into play here you help me out. I wouldn't say that everything is built on lies though I would say it was and is built upon people seeing things and presenting them in their way for the most part. They hit on what is important to them and sidestep stuff that is against them. Yeah some of them outright lie but for most, I would say they look at the numbers find the good or not as bad part, and spin them up.
Trump doesn't but the narrative is "Trump is a liar" and the truth is there are piles of lies on lies. Nothing more. Trump was on my mind lol
Ahhh okay! Makes sense I was just super confused lol!