I needed to order some TapSigners for an organization I consult for. The problem? Well, it's the perennial problem of putting any personal information into any bitcoin website of course. There have been customer data leaks from many sources over the years and it's just too risky even if they purge on a rolling basis.
The solution:
See previous discussions: #435261, #199147
I went to a local shipping shop. I didn't choose the brand name stores, rather one that is locally owned and operated. I walked in the door and asked if they could receive a package. They said "yes" and it would cost me $5. Awesome. I told them it would be labeled for "General Delivery 7382". They took down a note and I went home and ordered the product.
The address template I used for shipping was simply:
General Delivery 7382
1000 Main Street
Anywhere, NY 90210
I figured the four digit "PIN code" was a good measure of identity that they would trust. So it took a week or so for the package to arrive, but when it did I walked in and asked for the package, showed the shipping page with the shipping number on my phone, paid the $5 and walked out with the bitcoin tapsigners!
I was able to reduce my privacy attack vector significantly, though it's never zero.
It should be mentioned, of course, that I used a burner email and paid with lightning for the rest of the transaction.
Let me know here if you try this and it works in your area!