My daughter sounds like a mash up of your two kids. She can be very strong-willed and quite loud about it. That is difficult to deal with, but I'm also not worried about her standing up for herself later in life.
Normally, she plays very energetically and likes to rough house, but when she's around infants and toddlers she readily adjusts and plays with them very gently. In general, I'm very impressed with how well she integrates with other kids, across a really wide range of ages. I'd say she very comfortably plays with kids as old as 12.
Thanks for the prompt. She's been driving us a little nuts lately with how whiny and defiant she's being, so it's nice to highlight some positives.
She sounds like a radio station with myriad frequencies - and she knows the exact frequency to dial in and connect with the audience before her xP
When it comes to play, she does really well. Other social situations are a different story. We were at a birthday party today and she didn't pay much attention to the birthday girl. It wasn't a big deal, but we need to figure out how to communicate to her that something is important to someone else.