So this is a post I made a while back about my relationship with cannabis. #361271
I really appreciate the feedback. I have been sober for a few days now. I am feeling amazing. It feels so good. I am posting this here to help keep me accountable. I have too much to do to be sitting around smoking weed. I am so grateful for the ways it has helped me over the years. I still think it can be beautiful medicine. And it was medicine for me, for a long time. Not anymore. I am ready to be clear. Awake. And start kicking ass again. Let's gooooo. I have only love for the marijuana. I just am done abusing her. Thanks for all your support. πŸ’š
I am replacing that addiction with my new stacker addiction. A bit more productive.
122 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 7 Apr
This is the way.
I know I'm going on and on about the carnivore diet, but you stackers are my people, and I want to spread the news about carnivore.
You may want to consider it for it's ability to help with cravings/additions. Cannabis is not something I do personally, but carnivore can help with all kinds of mental issues - anxiety, OCD, depression, etc. It brought my average mood up from about a 5 or 6 out of 10, to mostly a 7 or 8 out of 10. Also, for me it cured the a weird OCD habit I had - see below:
Here's some of my other carnivore posts:
A few years back, I went carnivore and did intermittent fasting fro a out 6 months. Helped me lose a lot of weight and break my other food addictions. Mainly sugar.
Thank you for the share. I did carnivore in the past. It was great for me at the time. These days I don't feel called to eat much meat. But I know there are a lot of benefits for people with that diet. I'm just not at the part of my journey anymore. Thanks for the reply.
226 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 6 Apr
Good luck, keep us updated
I am kind of doing the same but I never really intend to quit, I always just take very long breaks
That works too. I always planned on taking breaks and struggled to follow through. I have been In a bad way with it for many years. Time for a change.
I will probably smoke again eventually. I love cannabis so much. A little too much. I need lots of time to redefine the relationship.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Book_It 9 Apr
Daily user for pain. Before I was doing it recreational I quit for 3 months. It was hard for the first two weeks. After that your taste buds come back, your lungs start to clear shit out, and your confidence level boosts up. Overall if meds werent the only way for me to function and hold a job id have quit and that includes all other substances. I find even if you mena well if you use any other downer it will peak out more if you quit cannabis.
If I was dealing with pain, I would definitely choose cannabis over western medicine.
The first few days can be hard, especially with the potency of a lot of today's stuff but I find the second week kind of nice. Good energy without the haze. I find to go longer it's about keeping reminders of why you quit and learning about the dopamine cycle. Nearing three months and tempted but staying the course.
I find addictions of all types to have a lot of similarities. An addiction support territory would be kind of neat, especially with nyms and VPNs helping to preserve privacy. I'm loving names like mostly_harmless and alter_native. Maybe high_on_life could work.
I like high_on_life. I don't know if you know but I founded alter_native. I am really enjoying this space and I am hopeful I will get to keep it going. I really appreciate your support.
These are great reminders. Thank you for the support. I am on day 4 or so. Everyday has felt better then the previous so far. I really want to stick to this and remember why I quit in a few months.
Thank you for the share. It has definitely been great medicine for me at times. I am really happy it is legal here now. I think it is very helpful for mankind overall in our current state.
So, I ain't saying that you shouldn't but of course these aren't good habits. Stay away from them and enjoy other things. The world is full of ecstasy and joy, you just need to explore them as well.
221 sats \ 1 reply \ @nullama 7 Apr
I have only love for the marijuana
I will share with you this quote I find relevant:
Give up one thing to get everything, or give up everything for one thing
Great quote. I am ready to give it up and get it all.
210 sats \ 2 replies \ @random_ 7 Apr
May I ask what was your typical style of consumption? (Match/lighter/torch/hemp wick) (Joint,blunt,bowl,bong,dabs,vape,edible,etc)
How would you say you used it? (stress relief, pain relief, etc.)
What's your number one reason for quitting? Or what was your 'a-ha' moment?
I like to smoke flower. And I mix it with tobacco. So I am quitting tobacco as well. My partner likes spliffs. If I am on my own, I use a pipe or bong usually. In the past it helped me with sleep a lot. And it helped calm my mind so I could relax. But now I live a life that I am much more in alignment with, so I don't have those issues as much. Now I am living the dream and I want to be present for that. I have nothing to escape anymore.
I used a lighter.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @sjf 7 Apr
Good luck on your journey stranger. Make a full list of the reasons that made you quit and read that list to yourself every week for the next few months at least. This really helped when I quit smoking.
That is a really great idea. Thank you.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 7 Apr
Stay strong brother. Every day, in every way, you will get better and we believe in you :)
It is already getting to much better. I haven't felt this happy and clear in a long time. It's kind of intense. But I like it. I have endless energy.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 7 Apr
Embrace consciousness in all its unaltered glory.
There is a lot to be grateful for and enjoy here in this beautiful human experience. Thank you.
You’ve got this if you believe you can! Keep that focus!
I will. I feel good. Thank you for your support.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @MB 7 Apr
Take it one day at a time & don’t be afraid to reach out to family/friends for support. Try to find an alternative to fill the time/space when you used to use. Big love & stay strong.
Thank you. I have been doing more pushups when I feel I want to smoke and that helps. Not quite to 100 a day like others. I'll get there.
210 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 6 Apr
You are enough without the drug and anything it can teach you it has. There's no good reason to watch the same movie every day. There are so many other experiences you'll miss out on!
I think of it as an opportunity to fill the time, energy, and money it cost with something better. It's like an ex-girlfriend. You broke up for a reason.
For sure. Thank you for the support. Something about sharing here really helps me get pumped about this. Thanks man.
We have to do our own experiences as we all know.
Some will say it is stupid to smoke weed but we have all our reasons...
When you realize, you had enough . So, at the moment, you are conscious .
And this is the beauty, because you have decide to face the reality and decide to get stronger.
Meditation, a new activity, a walk in the nature.... can be really helpfull to flip the mind when it is necesary or just a movie...
All the best
I really want to have a regular meditation practice. I did more in the past and it was hugely beneficial. Thanks for the reminder.
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @joelaw 7 Apr
Keep going.
I did not think this post would find it's way to the top page. You all are so awesome. I am feeling the love. I feel super empowered right now. Like I can do anything. Thank you all.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 7 Apr
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