Long distance relationships are difficult but very doable if you are committed and trusting of your partner.
I have mentioned before that the first four years of my son's life we split time between Canada and the US before settling in Canada permanently (or at least permanently until further notice). Because I was working on my business, I was not able to leave Canada for long periods of time so when my wife and son were in the US for months at a time I might be there for only 10-15% of the time.
This was challenging but we managed. If we can manage it I think anyone can. It takes some creativity in scheduling and can be a bit expensive travelling back and forth but you can make it work.
Ohhh now I get it. I erroneously assumed that your wife and son always travelled with you when you were shifting to and fro.
It’s great that you worked yourself to be in a position when you can sell your business and be fully present for your kids now.
I hope you don’t feel bummed about missing out on the first few years of your son’s life. You were on a mission! If it helps, I missed out on my son’s birth. People around me are always mortified when they know this, but I really think: erm you can’t miss what you don’t know in the first place.
We did travel together some times but mostly they would go back to the US for months at a time and I would visit when I could.
I guess it’s not how you start but how you finish.
Yes n now you n yours are winning Fun Fact Friday on a periodic basis haha