If you don't have sats in your wallet, you get to post for free in territories that allow it and comment for free. It's our onramp for non-bitcoiners or non-lightning bitcoiners or lazy bitcoiners.
Freebie posts have limited visibility until they're zapped by someone with non-zero trust.
@ek is exclusively using attached wallets (auto-withdrawals to zero and zaps/pays from an attached wallet). It's the closest thing we have to non-custodial at the moment as it's still custodial but only temporarily. We haven't adapted freebies to account for wallet attachments yet.
this territory is moderated
70 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 4 Apr
Unfortunately, I had to change the threshold to 100 sats. Some stackers DM'ed me on SN and I couldn't reply since these messages are considered withdrawals so it doesn't prompt NWC to pay the invoice, lol