Mocks are a lot of fun. Sometimes I just go wild and make tons of trades and try to get an absurd amount of picks and then I don't know who to pick because I have already chosen every position of need and have 5 or 6 picks left.
Maybe @Public_N_M_E will join us in this fun. Would be nice to have another submission to compete with yours. Though it is going to be tough to beat.
I love a good mock draft.
You keep your filthy mits off my JPJ 🤣🤣 I need him on the Vikings.
I'll do one and let you know the outcome. 👊
I don't think he is going to fall to the 49ers anyways but would be a great pickup if he did.
Absolutely he's really good
Clearly, your guys passed on him (twice) in this draft.
They took a QB and an edge to replace Hunter is my guess.
I think Greenard is a much better signing than people give credit. Will he replace hunter 141?? Doubt it, Danielles my boy. But will he be able to soften the loss a little, yeah for sure. Especially if we can get some serious interior pressure with someone like Byron Murphy or Johnny newton.