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lol, I never said I was an anarchist. I'm not actually neither is the speaker in the video...
this territory is moderated
You spoke on behalf of "most anarchists". That made it seem like you were one.
I used to identify as one. I agree with many things they say and believe but I serve one master and it isn't me. No king but Christ. This whole thread is an example of why I actually don't like labels because it is to easy to write things off because you think you know what the other person is going to say before they say it.
Also, it is totally fine to ignore me but this post is something I shared and I won't leave arguments with a ghost go unanswered. You might be surprised how much you agree with the video. Maybe not. You be you.
I've come to the position that the systems of this world are evil and this includes every government. Some are more evil than others but they have become false idols worshiped by many who claim Jesus as lord with their lips but their hearts and actions point to a worship of power. It is very similar to the one ring in the Lord of the Rings. If we can just gain power we can do the good things we want but the power corrupts them. More often than not though those that seek power are evil and do not want to do good at all.
American Christians seem to be especially guilty of this. They seem to still believe that if they could only elect the right people things would be great. My reading of the Bible and specifically the example of Jesus point to an opposite path. Jesus came to overthrow the hearts of man, not the governments. Governments are powered by belief. When the people stop believing the lose their power.
Also, it is totally fine to ignore me but this post is something I shared and I won't leave arguments with a ghost go unanswered.
The only ghost you should be worried about is the Holy One, and if you are arguing with it, well, who has the problem?
If we can just gain power we can do the good things we want but the power corrupts them.
Christ IS the power. Your theology needs some work. These videos aren't going to help you with that.
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Ephesians 2:1-3 ESV
Yep. So this links anarchy to Lucifer.
Christ IS the power
So there is no power other than Christ but also there is a power of the air which is Satan? And the absence of a state is Lucifer? So Lucifer was the creator of the system of judges before the Israelites demanded a king? God tells Samuel they have not rejected you but me. So the Israelites rejected God's system and Him in favor of man made government.
Also, Satan when he was tempting Christ offered him the kingdoms of the world. Jesus didn't correct him or say that isn't within his power. This is where I'm coming from. Of course God is sovereign but He is the source of power. Not the state. Some trust in chariots but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Right?
Was the Roman empire and Nazi Germany the systems of Lucifer or Christ? Anarchy in the context of this discussion is not chaos but rather the rejection of monopoly human government. Jesus taught us how to interact with this world and its systems but don't kid yourself, they are not his kingdom. I'm also not saying an anarcho-capitalist system is His kingdom or way. The argument is that it would be closer. Just as some would say that democracy is closer than monarchy.
But I'm done. It is clear to me you do not seek to understand where I'm coming from or the arguments of the video but rather to score some points and just want the last word. You can have it.