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Bob Murphy gives a great summary of how one can be both a Christian and an Anarchist/Libertarian.
Bob doesn't assume the listener understands the libertarian/anarcho-capitalist position and discusses the various types of views in these communities. If you have ever wondered how Christians could hold such views or how a Christian could be a libertarian this podcast/video will answer your questions
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Disorder is not an answer to disorder.
Clearly you didn't watch the video. After you do, then comment. He addresses this in the first few minutes.
Don't need to watch a video to tell me about nonsense. This is just a kind of clever wordtrickey to try to sound hip and or cool.
Ok, not sure why you are wasting your time commenting.
For others that see this thread. Anarchism is a big tent. There are indeed people that believe there should be no order, no hierarchy, no one should ever be compelled to do anything. This is more in line with socialist anarchism. Anarcho-capitalism holds that governance/order/hierarchy is both good and needed. Its not no rules but no rulers. Or more to the point no monopoly on violence. Voluntary governance is all around us and works quiet well. Most anarchists especially those that are also Christians believe in governance in God's kingdom, churches, and the family.
If this sounds interesting to anyone I recommend watching the video. If not, move along.
One last thing. I've never heard ANY libertarian or anarcho-capitalist accused of sounding hip or cool. Quite the contrary.
I addressed the fundamental tenet on which the argument rests as a way to save time. Since that tenet is absurd, other people will either realize the truth of the position, or they will invest their own time in watching this video.
Anarchy and God's kingdom are mutually exclusive. God is not an anarchist. It's very simple.
Again, you are making an argument I don't disagree with and the video isn't saying that at all. If you aren't curious that's fine but don't assume you know the position of the video or myself.
God's kingdom only has one king. That's kinda the whole point of the video :)