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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
On https://stacker.news/rewards If y scroll is equal to zero, it works. If y scroll is not equal to zero, it doesn't work.
cc: @sn
I see what you did there πŸ˜‚ 21M
fun fact, if someone else post this photo, it could easily lead to location doxing, like roughly where this person based in. πŸ‘€
did you see what I see @ek
🫡 πŸ‘
Day 352 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Day 133 of horseposting
Horse stance: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Snail be moving slow..
Just before the bell!!!
Almost mowed. Took off my glasses instead. cheaper
Very smart! I don't wear glasses, so I have to squint when I walk through my yard.
2 April is World Autism Awareness Day!
What is autism?
  • Autism is a kind of brain disorder that causes children with autism to experience the world differently from other people. More boys than girls have autism.
  • Children with autism may have difficulty making friends because they find it difficult to read gestures and body language. They can't seem to tell if another person is sad or angry or happy. They often do not know the right thing to say or do when they are with other people, and usually find it hard to carry on a proper conversation. They prefer to play by themselves most of the time. They can be deeply fascinated by certain objects (such as things which spin), sounds (such as the hum of the air-conditioner) or topics (such as bus routes). A fixed routine is important to them. If their routine is distributed, they may get extremely angry and upset.
  • Children with autism are sometimes very good at doing certain things, such as arithmetic, drawing maps, playing the piano or memorizing telephone numbers. With the right help, most children with autism can be taught how to talk to, play and live with other people in a meaningful way.
  • But all children with autism are different from each other, just like all children without autism are different from each other.
  • Be patient - after you speak to a person with autism, give him or her some time to think and respond.
  • Speak clearly and literally. For example, say β€œit is raining heavily” and not β€œit is raining cats and dogs.”
  • Stay calm, even when the person with autism shows signs of distress
Curious do you find it offensive when people say stuff like "weaponized autism" when referring to things like reddit, memes, incels etc?
Fun fact: Libertarianism is a distinctly American form of Autism.
Autism is a kind of brain disorder that causes children with autism to experience the world differently from other people. More boys than girls have autism.
And it’s not limited to children. I don’t think you did that on purpose, but I wanted to clarify
Can confirm I was paid.
Yes, I can confirm that everyone was paid.
Can I have a glow in the dark one please? I’m still 6 years old.
From the stacked value displayed on the leaderboard, it is possible to determine the positions of the stackers in the last month. πŸ‘€
If you haven't already

Read this

The MSM rewards were paid based on Feburary leaderboard
Which shows us that you didn't do very well in February
You aren't that good spy. That's the work I do here. I was quite new here on SN. You can say that I was like an intern in Feb, I was learning how to stack, zap, stack more, zap more, post, comment, zap more more more!
You can praise me for my diligence as I learned quickly, and alone in March, I have stacked 100k Sats.
the hack is here, but it was easier to see the rank this morning
This way it's easier to see. My hack was to look at the leaderboard and then compare it with the ranking in my last MSM post. I found it strange to have dropped some positions, but I never thought it was a bug.
Bitcoin only πŸ€™onward
what happened to stay humble?
Wealth changes people.
thats just what the poors say
This is why you need to type it and say it every day.
stay humble and keep stacking ⚑️
anyone know what is this flower? πŸ‘€
My sister claims to be a 'amor perfeito' (perfect love) :) I Googled it and I think that's the English name is pansy.
I was fairly certain they were pansies yeah. Come in a variety of colours.
so pretty like butterflies πŸ¦‹
Zoom out. Applies to so many things.
Decided to write down my thoughts about this simple phrase and I get a little personal.
Good morning stackers.
Day 64 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
FED's bullish πŸ˜„
you are not alone... #488963
Morning Freaks
Hustle has been really hustling these last few days.
Next step is getting my nix os dev environment ironed out.
And on a side note I'm listening to Anthem from Ayn Rand. I'm halfway through the book and I'm thinking the state is going to obliterate the main character.
Anthem is one of the most underrated Rand books. Love it much more than Atlas Shrugged.
Anthem really didn't do it for me.
Don't get me wrong. I think Atlas is great, its just to long and self indulgent to me. It could have been edited down. That said, it was a massive success so it doesn't really matter what we think I guess. I like to recommend Anthem because it is less intimidating. Had my sons read it as a part of their education.
It might seem counterintuitive, but I think Atlas is ideal for thoughtful young adults (16-23 say).
Here you have the 3 parts movie too:
The movies are worth watching for friends and family that don't read books. They aren't amazing but they are good enough to make you think or at least provoke thought.
Thank you sir
65 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 61 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
I'm back on the horse today. We must have had the flu or meningitis or something, because I was far too sore and achy for pushups.
I think I'll start my count over, since you and gnilma have streaks going.
Gotta watch out for that pesky meningitis.
PSA: Zap bigger, zap oftener, zap earlier
Can your zapping finger stay irrational longer than your wallet can stay solvent?
I think my balance is publicly visible. I'd say my zapping finger is looking pretty rational right now.
I've been telling people for the past year that they aren't zapping enough.
Just zapping won't get it done. I zapped over around 10k sats to themadnessking NCAA pool and I zapped 30k sats to the music video post for the great song manlikekweks and joemartinmusic created but because those aren't prominent accounts it did nothing to my standing.
The zaprank is a being gamed and it actually has me kind of down on SN. I don't want to spend my time optimizing my posts, comments, zaps to try and earn more rewards but that's the incentive theses contests create. I really hope the April one is an April Fools joke.
As we get more people into these pools, I think survivor pool posts will become major posts and our zapping them will matter more.
For the time being, you're essentially acting as a philanthropist supporting the upstart areas of SN.
Even though it went very well for me, I would also prefer if they did something a bit more different. If we think about why they do these experiments, though, it makes sense that they would continue it when all of the metrics improved.
It remains to be seen if the metrics improvement is sustainable.
One could argue a lot of the increased activity was artificial due to the contest and will go away once the contest goes away or when people get bored of the format or when some people get really good at gaming the system and the rest decide chasing on the hamster wheel is a waste of time.
I love hanging out on SN but I always look at SN from a business perspective as well. What would I do if I was running it? What needs to occur for it to go beyond a niche platform to something more? Maybe I shouldn't be looking at it that way, it is not my company after all, but it's the way I am wired and I have no other business to think about right now. Haha.
I am just going to go with the flow this month and do my thing. I don't care where I rank.
I fully expect you're right, but it makes sense that they want to investigate further.
I am just going to go with the flow this month and do my thing. I don't care where I rank.
That's exactly how I feel, too, and I'm sure we're not alone. That will make this month the better actual test of this rewards scheme.
I too hope this is an April fools joke as I don't want to waste anymore hot air on this but I see that the rewards page has changed, so it looks like MSM v2 is here for another 31 days. It's quite obvious that some users are gaming the system. Which as the name implies, SN has been gamified. I like to interact with comments that interest me, not should I interact, as that won't get me up the zaprankings. I feel the gamification of SN is ruining the experience.
I think the competitiveness will decline quite a bit this month. I'm going to take a much more relaxed approach.
This thought had crossed my mind and I hope your right. Those that went all out for 31 days, did so in the belief that it would only be for March. Now you've got to do it all over again and maybe May, June, July. So hopefully it will settle down in the future and the sad try hards might get disillusioned over the long run. One can only hope.
Some of my habits have probably changed, so I'll be somewhere in between February me and March me.
Fortunately, being a try hard paid off pretty well.
But, we can ignore your metaphor if circumstances suggest we should?
Seems perfectly in line with my metaphor: Yin and Yang. People are receiving fewer sats because they're overly focused on receiving and insufficiently focused on giving.
I meant literally. Of course I agree. I think this MSM thing proved again that it's actually better to give than receive here, is more sats. It seems that some stackers still don't believe it.
Ignore my perfectly wholesome metaphor at your own peril.
keep the balance into the force!
I agree. It continues to be my view that people are mostly out of balance on the too miserly side.
LOL I zapped too much or what? SN is blocking me to zap...
Time to level up the db or the code.
I got one, too! MSM broke it?
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 1 Apr 2024
Janet strikes back :)
Happy April Cowboys and Cowgirls βš‘β˜•πŸ§‘
How we holdin' up?
Stack Sats and stay humble
No ! πŸ˜‚ this ⬇️
Charming. This was 30 seconds before that goatse pic.
You were right again!
Howdy partners!!! After a couple of days off from the grid I am back, rest assured I kept sending you good, positive energy your way every day. Today, is no exception. After a few days of rest and recharging, its time to get things back on track with full force, it's the beginning of the week and the beginning of a new month, so let's give it our best my good friend, strategies for our weekly goals are set and let's see how they work, I wish you all an incredible day and may it be filled with success and lots of love. I believe in you and I'm proud of you, always!! So let's keep on keeping on. As always, be well and stay frosty my friend.
Is there any way to know our final position in the MSM? @sn Thanks!
Um the madness is over now what?
It's continuing with a few changes. #489094
Day 105 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 588 sats on 31Mar2024! Running total: 71,746 sats!
Day 1 of my daily posting journey in the post-MSM era 🀠

how do you use the previous?
So looking at the rewards page, it seems that some folks are showing amount stacked that look in line with their likely MSM rewards (south_korea_ln, TNStacker, Bell_curve -- not tagging because that feels like it would be obnoxious here). Others who were in the top 64, including myself, thewildhustle, and tef, aren't, so I'm guessing either the rewards are being sent out piecemeal and manually, or there's a hiccup in the process.
(Hard to be sure until more of the top 64 have posted today and gotten on the current leaderboard.)
I did see my sats rewards in my wallet but didn't get a notification saying how much. I have a pretty good idea how much because I was getting kind of low on sats by the end of the month but a notification advising place and amount of sats would be nice.
Yeah, I checked my wallet just in case I'd missed something (even though the number looked way too low), but nothing's been added there since the March Madness Survivor deposit.
Still processing, but I think the estimated rewards figure may have been glitchy and ended up not reflecting final rewards all that closely.
So you still do not understand that the whole MSM contest was an "April's fool" experiment? It was rigged from the beginning.
I knew from your comments and others throughout the time that there were likely issues with it (but just didn't have enough of a sense of how "normal" SN rewards worked to get the algorithm -- I think I only got my first daily reward on Feb 28), but had figured that payouts would be an all-or-nothing thing. I'm (perhaps naively) hoping that there was an issue with things automatically happening while everyone in Texas is asleep, and that things will move forward soon.
Hey stacker, I received this notification on SN:
Can anyone help me understand what this means?
I didn't get 21. Am I supposed to?
Check the calendar
Janet Yellen on Stacker news !
yes, just send a BTC address back! 😎
Alas, I've gotten neither my MSM winnings nor my sweet 21 sat bribe from Janet Yellen.
I have received Yellen’s 21 sats but not MSM. Wish it was the opposite.
New theory: Janet's got all the rewards, and is doling them out slowly.
Must be it!
maybe Janet Yellen can't read your long SN alias :)
I knew I'd come to regret not using a shorter nym!
oh. πŸ‘€
so quite today, guys you are missing out the airdrop from Janet Yellen!
I didn't get an airdrop. :(
I guess because your wallet sats exceeded 250k, thus no airdrop - can't "topup" your wallet anymore. πŸ‘€
The airdrop must have happened after rewards paid out then.
Wow, she is indeed generously giving sats to everyone, not only to her fellow Americans! Amazing.
yes, so considerable!
Is there any β€œofficial” communication regarding MSM? Will it continue in the same format?
Hello, how is everyone today? Have you done your daily exercises? I do
Doing great, exercises done :) #487585
zap for you then ;)
Spectacular Salamanca in Spain. The cradle of civilization from middle ages until 19th century.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Tef 1 Apr 2024
At the end of the day, did anyone know who won the MSM? 😁😁
we did we told you we would
this is the way!
Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
rules are these for those that dont know why the rules are there
rules are there for those that dont know why the rules are there
I’m so proud of myself. I used my MSM earnings to pay off my insurance bill.
This is the first time I used sats to pay off bills. I have always just bought Bitrefill gift cards lame! I feel one step closer towards acquiring the Bitcoin Standard
Woo! Also, does this mean you actually got your sats from MSM, or are just spending because you know they're coming in?
And new possibilities await! Stealing your image haha
Mixing/Sharing ... I "steal" from someone else for sure
why are we got projected this picture of people living in the village are poor and uneducated?
After exploring a bit in some villages, I think ppl there truly live a self-sufficient life, growing their own fruits and veggies, raising chickens or even cows and sheep, and trading with neighbors, but usually as a favor; And women are usually skilled in multiple things, and they just know how to make things with those knowledge passing down from mother to daughter - I ate the best food and drank the tastiest water in some of the villages I have been to.
Not to mention that they are way less stressed, and people are much closer because they spend so much time together and everyone knows everyone! and they are so much giving too, inviting you for food or drinks without even mentioning money, while city people are so money-oriented, things are so transactional, the bigger the cities the worst it goes...have less fiat doesn't mean someone is poor, what really poor are those barely have any skills and got stuck in a job that he/ she hates and no time spending with people they care, or even worst trying so hard to please people they don't even like.
You've just explained in few words what is a "Meshtadel". Here is a very good episode from Ungovernable Misfists podcast (@Meshtadel) with Czino and SoulExporter about how bitcoiners could build Meshtadels: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/u9uSajEkIzSHQg1Tpq1u
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