Guaranteed eye-balls, but without the dystopian retina scanning 😅 Certainly having the territory metrics on full display - like previous zaps & zap-rank boosts could help the decision making. I like the idea of it being based on trust/values rather guaranteed performance.
That's awesome you worked with those guys. They are fighting the good fight, but seem to have created an incentive where they will never fully opt-in to open networks. Eventually they'll get it, but seem to be hedging their bets for now.
My statement was misleading. I only worked with them in the same sense that I work with k00b, kr, and ek currently: I offered lots of unsolicited advice that very occasionally got put into action.
It's the best kind of "working" :)
Clearly I enjoy it.
Unsolicited advice, the best form of advice:
Someone cares enough about you1 that they don't care if you want their advice or not. :)
  1. or what you're building ↩
You have an amazing attitude.