Being able to charge for private content (for territory owners exclusively) will likely see a proliferation of people wishing to purchase their own in order to monetise their content/products - and I think will make it far more financially viable going forward.
This ties into one of the territory features I still pine for, more for principled reasons than a personal need for it: allowing people to become a "member" of the territory by ante-ing up. This would serve two purposes.
First: revenue generation, as per the Substack example. If someone wanted to do a paid newsletter or something, now they could; or even the paid / public combo that a lot of writers use, where some stuff is exclusive to members. Since SN already has a really nice commenting / threading system, it makes that member connection thing viable.
Second: adding real anti-douchebag defense. If you're a giant asshole, posting garbage, insulting and threatening users, etc., there is currently limited way to dissuade that, and there's no way to dissuade it that has teeth. If you had to ante up, and then acted like a dick enough times, I could sweep your ante, and you can't talk until you ante up again, at which point I could sweep it again. It's a nuclear option, and some territories won't want to require it, but the only way SN will not have to confront this issue is if it doesn't scale enough for the issue to materialize. Which would probably be bad for its future prospects.
Some vocal critics of "censorship" hate this idea, of course, and that's reasonable. It all comes down to your working model -- to me, territories really ought to be territories, and they can be run by a tyrant, a visionary leader, or whatever -- exerting that control is what you get for your 100k sats / month. SN should be able to accommodate different visions, and users should be free to choose which of these visions they want to be a part of.
That kind of went afield from our original discussion, sorry :/
119 sats \ 1 reply \ @davidw OP 1 Apr
This is what I'm here for. Could not have put it better myself.
It's definitely got to continue being the Wild West here... if territories taught us anything... it is that there is no pleasing everyone.
Without choices & options, we should be taking off our cowboy hats and bowing to the k00b-king each day. Not even he wants that.
I think he would barf if someone bowed to him.
the only way SN will not have to confront this issue is if it doesn't scale enough for the issue to materialize
This may be correct, but I'm not sure. I think the cost to post is an extreme turn off for these people. They're looking for a place to spew their opinions at everyone without paying a price for it. As long as SN has the highest marginal cost for behaving like that, I think they may keep it elsewhere.
That is perhaps my market utopianism showing though.
You could be right -- that would be an unexpectedly (to me) optimistic outcome. We shall see!