Thanks David! I inevitably dive into those types of topics only because it's the path I'm on. If I speak on what I live, it tends to resonate more easily with others also. I see you're working from, or at least posting a lot about Uruguay. Latin America is a huge interest for me also. It's actually where the majority of the artists that I represent are from.
That's bang on, so many can relate when it comes from a place of self-reflection.
If you ever head-out this way and want to slow things down a bit, please do hit me up. The East of Uruguay is an amazing place to rediscover and recharge, although the bulk of the music is from Argentina / Colombia / Puerto Rico / Brazil these days. Curious which genres you mostly dabble-with, or is it a wide spectrum for you?
Thanks for the invite. I've not gone further south than Colombia just yet. As far as genres, pretty wide - electronic (pop / ambient / darker), retro rock, tropical (merengue, bachata, cumbia), folkloric from Colombia, Lofi Hiphop, blues, R&B.