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You're No Good is a song I enjoy, and it seems many people don't realize that the Linda Ronstadt version is not the original! I enjoy all three of these equally, and would have a hard time choosing one as my favorite. I also enjoy Van Halen's take, as well as The Swinging Blue Jeans, but I rank them a step lower than these.
Dee Dee Warwick - I like the groove the original version has, and the short guitar solo is great too. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cz__BzSJPY Linda Ronstadt - The one most people think is the best, at least based on YouTube views! A great overall sound. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e0vJNp5asqc&pp=ygUdbGluZGEgcm9uc3RhZHQgeW91J3JlIG5vIGdvb2Q%3D Sarah Ross - A newer version that blends Linda's version in with both country and rap. Not for everyone, but it brings something new to the table. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0aCi7Iz4oG8&pp=ygUZc2FyYWggcm9zcyB5b3UncmUgbm8gZ29vZA%3D%3D
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All 3 are nice with their own style but Linda probably gets my vote