Stay humble, shill lightly, stack sats ;)
Also you don't really ever have to mention Bitcoin... you can complain about
  • How personal inflation for many people is much higher than CPI.
  • How the money supply was inflated so much over the last couple years.
  • How the energy transfers around the world are getting broken this year.
  • How the dollar is not connected to anything tangible.
  • How in economy we need to have a clear price signal to give each other, otherwise we are in a mess.
  • How everyone is thinking only about short term satisfaction and they are going in the wrong direction in long term.
  • How it's crazy that people are getting de-platformed from being able to pay.
  • How so many people are excluded from participating in the global market.
  • How is China tracking the people and watching their every step and what that leads to. etc...