Your intent is noble and good, but shoving Bitcoin down people's throat because you have a big interest and believe in it usually bothers people (which makes sense to me. It's pretty annoying to have people kidnap conversation into the topics of their choice unilaterally).
Instead, this is what works for me:
  • In general terms, just wait for others to bring Bitcoin to the table. Maybe mention it on very few occasions where it is really fitting (ie someone explaining how his Chinese friend got his bank accounts blocked by the Government because of the wrong tweet).
  • Whenever people get talking about Bitcoin and say stuff which is either utterly false or not exactly right, I just ask them questions instead of telling them that they are wrong, should shut up and listen to me. If you are knowledgeable about Bitcoin, you can probably ask questions in a way that steers them towards the right thinking.
It's a marathon, not a sprint. We don't need to rush people onboard. Let's be gentle and seduce instead of overwhelm.