Using extra time to save money.
Time is the most valuable thing you have, and spending less in exchange for more of your time is usually a bad idea.
That's why busy rich people usually fly in their private jets instead of taking the train/bus or the normal flights.
The same can be seen at all scales. Busy people choosing a Taxi/Uber instead of public transport to save 1 hour of a trip for an extra $20, whereas other people happily spend that hour and save that $20.
Of course, there are some people that simply don't have the money to do so, but if you have the money, and don't have the time, then it doesn't make sense to pay with your time.
Excellent point! It reminds me of how my wife bought a washing machine-cum-dryer recently. It was more expensive than your standard washing machine but it is saving us so much time haha.
The same goes for the robotic vacuum cleaner n dishwasher