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I don’t expect this post to garner many sats. But I’m genuinely curious. Mainly, how can people live without drinking?
This post by @jimmysong reveals that some Stackers DONT drink at all. How amazing is that? Is it true that some people quit drinking because they want to spend more money on buying BTC?
Anyway, every Friday, I make it a point of drinking my cold can of Japanese beer (Asahi, Sapporo, Kirin). I do this while feeling my baby girl. Drinking beer is to celebrate the fact that I have prevailed through one week of non- stop work and parenting. It is to buttress me should my daughter start screaming because she is hangry.
How often do you drink? What is the role of alcohol in your life?
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I've never been a regular drinker, but in the past I would occasionally drink sake or umeshu, sometimes beer when out with friends, or Strong Zero when in Japan. However, nowadays I rarely if ever drink. Sake I would drink because I enjoy the taste and enjoy how certain sakes pair with particular foods. Umeshu was for the taste as well, whereas beer was more so for camaraderie, and Strong Zero was well, you know to be on a good one.
I also used to be very introverted so alcohol would help me come out of my shell, at times a little too much. But since, I've gotten much more comfortable in being my sober self and have become totally okay with being the only sober person at a party or gathering, so there's really no reason for me to drink.
Again for me, it comes down to weighing the potential pros and cons of everything, and understanding the exact physiology and affects of what I put in my body. From a purely health perspective there really is no benefit to consuming alcohol, it's essentially the opposite of caffeine as in the prior is a depressant while the latter a stimulant. So both give you artificial illusions of either a "boost" in energy, or a sense of "relaxation".
On top of that, the main reason I don't drink anymore is because of alcohol's effect on sleep. I value quality sleep immensely and although alcohol may make you feel relaxed and thus you might think it can help you doze off, that "sleep" you get is often not quality sleep, as your body, specifically your liver, during that period is working extra hard to digest and get rid of the toxin that is alcohol. However, prior to sleep you want to make sure your body is not working overtime and instead able to focus on recovery and rest. In that sense, day drinking makes more sense in that you give your body enough time to digest the alcohol without it impacting your sleep as much.
All in all, I'm not one to judge whether or not someone drinks. I understand why certain people do it regularly and I understand why others completely abstain from it. For me at this stage of my life I have little to no incentive or need to drink, but as I'll be in Japan soon maybe I indulge in a nice cold Japanese beer, kanpai!
Your first paragraph describes my attitude towards drinking perfectly. So many different kinds of alcoholic beverages for different kinds of purposes haha. I particularly love my sake like Dasai and Otoyama.
Which part of Japan is your family based in?
Great choices of sake!
They are based in Osaka! Whereabouts in Japan are you and how long have you lived there?
I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in 9.5 years.
About two months here. Didn't realize how hard it was to quit until I actually tried. Unlike the title I don't think I can really live with!
First couple months breaking any habit is tough. It’s a breeze after awhile.
Great job getting this far.
Wow. Do you have dreams of drinking and toasting with your children in future?
Because I do. Ngl. 🍻 Haha
No drinking only has negative connotations in my life so I don’t really think of it fondly. Once and awhile I miss having a beer on a patio on a beautiful summer day or at a baseball game but those moments are fleeting.
It's easy to quit drinking. I do it all the time.
Lucky for us that you don’t quit writing 😛
That's funny, I feel the same way about tobacco :)
probably 3-4 nights a week. i'm mostly a beer guy, but i do enjoy a nice single malt scotch from time to time.
but i'm also not in the "sell everything not nailed down to buy more btc" camp. i've been at this a while, i'm pretty happy with my holdings, and while adding more sats is always a plus, i'm not sacrificing quality of life stuff to add to my stack at this point.
Great that you do things in moderation xP
Its Lent, so I've given up wine....I give up drinking every lent.
But normally I don't drink much (I did drink lots more when I was younger). These days I guess I average about 2 glasses of wine per week.
I used to have a beer or two, a glass of this and that, or two, but now I don't anymore. I stopped in 2012, then drank a bit again during the pandemic (socially), but now, I've stopped again. I haven't touched it since the end of last year...
make this same post but about that sweet leaf
When the lockdowns hit, I saw a lot of stories (and heard a lot of first-hand accounts) of people who either got way more into booze, or went teetotal.
I ended up getting a little less into it, but it's still a part of my life. Most of my alcohol consumption in the last ten years has been outside the house, either when going to dinner or a show, or to a party. So when those stopped being regular occurrences, we could have doubled down at home.
Instead, it became a special occasion thing. We stock some nice scotches ($100 and up), and that encourages both sipping and savoring things. I buy maybe a six-pack of beer a month (usually a stout or sour), and rarely have more than one a week. I still like alcohol a lot, but I can't think of the last time I've had enough to even get buzzed.
Same here. I get through a six-pack per month.
I think drinking less makes me cherish each can even more
I'm a big whiskey guy, had been one for almost 20 years. I enjoy sipping a pour of nice single malt whiskey once or twice a week, and still do. But ever since I started signing up for full marathon runs, I would quit alcohol during my training, cold turkey; but would get back to the habit of 1 to 2 drinks a week after the race is complete.
The marathon is in early May each year, and I start my training around December or January, so I would go half a year on alcohol and half a year off. The decision to stop drinking for half a year had nothing to do with bitcoin and I'm not saving the money to buy more bitcoin. Whiskey is something I enjoy and I don't think I will ever quit, but I guess there's always some weird reason for people to stop doing what they enjoy, and instead push themselves through pain and suffering? My reason is running.
I didn't quit drinking to buy bitcoin. I just never became a regular drinker. I don't particularly like alcohol and I'm very put off by how expensive it is.
Why do you find it to be such a big value add?
Red wine, when consumed in moderation, can be beneficial for your health. It contains many antioxidants.
You could say the same for yeasty beers, but either one depends on the rest of your diet. You can get the same nutrients without the alcohol, which may be healthier.
It's true that antioxidants can be found in berries, for example. But at the end of the day, it's up to each individual to decide.
Sure, but it's also better to know if there are healthier options when your goal is health.
I gave some thought to your question.
Bottom line, I like the person I become when I’m intoxicated. Though I have no trouble stating my truths when I’m sober, there is something magical about how alcohol lowers my inhibitions and loosens my lips as the night wears on. When the friends around me are similarly high, we have memorable HTHT (heart-to-heart talks). It’s like people share unreservedly a side of themselves they won’t divulge normally.
Of course, now that my social life is severely compromised, my weekly can of beer is elevated to the status of indulgence. It’s a reward to myself for hanging in there haha.
When the friends around me are similarly high, we have memorable HTHT
That's a great answer.
Just told my wife Sunday night, don't let me drink again til Friday. Because I just will grab one or two to wind down for the night. Work's a bitch ya know? But I need her to help me pause for a few days so that I have something to look forward to, and so I can have a separation of drinking me and non-drinking me.
I just love the stuff.
Trappist beer for a quick buzz (9%) Japanese to go slow (Asahi super dry or Sapporo, but prefer Asahi)
We have the same drinking routine! It’s Friday. Enjoy your Asahi!
Just finished my second Sapporo (it's 6:15 PM)
Whenever I go pure carnivore, I completely lose my want to drink. If I do, I'm more negatively affected by it.
Outside of that , I have a beer once in a while. 1-2x/month, maximum. I typically don't like the feeling of not being 100% myself, so any sense of a 'buzz' is actively avoided.
How does alcohol intake mess up with your 100% carnivore diet, if you don’t mind me asking?
I'm not really sure what you're asking, so I'll refer to the comment you replied to:
When I am on a 100% carnivore diet, something about that way of eating, the effect it has on my body, mental state, or whatever is happening, makes me not want to drink alcohol at all. I guess you could say the "craving" pretty much completely goes away. I don't know what it is - and if I DO drink any alcohol, I feel more affected by it. Less alcohol has a greater affect than it does when I am not on a 100% carnivore diet.
Yup you got the intent of my question, thanks
Zero. I've drunk alcohol in the past, just to be social (honestly I usually just accepted a glass, and took a token sip a couple times).
With what I've read and seen about the brain dulling effects of alcohol, I don't even want to accept the token glass anymore. I need every single brain cell I have. Nothing to spare for alcohol to destroy. Not to mention the other negative effects.
And the most recent research (I believe) on red wine is that there's really zero benefit. Not that I trust most of this kind of research.
Interesting tip - if you want to find the other side of the story, just put the word "myth" in your search string. For example, search for:
health benefits of red wine myth
I enjoy drinking but do roll my eyes at people coping over "health benefits".
Love the pro tip, mate. Bookmarking it for a future life hack article I may write haha. Thanks
I'm always looking answers on my inner question. At some point I couldn't answer why do I get alcohol that's why I stopped.
Can you answer this question?
My Japanese father-in-law bought this exquisite sake pot for me. Just pouring sake into it makes me happy. How not to drink?! Haha
My pleasure to read it. I have the same craze about tea drinking
It's vibes for me. Nice to unwind with a glass of cognac and reflect on the day. I'll often nerd out on the human effort that went into what I'm drinking as well.
I’d give up alcohol way before giving up cigars (as in never having a cigar again, I take a break during the winter).
I enjoy about two drinks every couple days but lately I find it doesn’t agree with my stomach. I worked in a liquor store for three years so it would bum me out never to drink it again because the culture is so deep and interesting to me. My drink of choice is cognac or whiskey but I have been enjoying Jager this winter. Goes great with a cup of hot chamomile.
Fascinating. Can you explain more about the liquor culture? Am I right to assume that it is full of machoism and bravado? Haha
I think beer culture is probably the most casual with whiskey/whisky culture after that, bars are obviously a great place for convo for both. I enjoy cigar lounges for similar reasons. I think some people (college students, wineos) can create a poor imagine of drinking but I def don't think it's all bad. Hard to paint something from the dawn of civilization with a broad brush.
I personally enjoy nerding out on the distinctives of beer, wine, and spirits when I found customers really appreciated me laying out the facts. There's a lot of history that spans cultural and political differences no matter where you decide to dive in.
"feeling your baby girl?"
Better put that can down, bro.
Best argument yet for perpetual edits.
You can live without alcohol. If that is what you want. Maybe not now, but we do change over time. I used to drink and now I don't. And it was just because I decided I didn't like it any more. Super simple.
The last few times I attempted to drink, after a sip, I just couldn't do it. I used to enjoy it quite a bit. I was a weekend drinker, and used to overdo it quite often. I think working with psychedelics as a healing tool kind of turned me of to it.
Last couple times I tried to drink, I couldn't even finish a beer. I never had a clear intent to give it up completely. It just kind of happened. I used to be a weekend binger type of drinker. When I first cam to ayahuasca, that started to change. And I drank less and less. Now i find it completely unappealing. I do smoke the cannabis daily or nearly daily, though. Its all part of the journey.
God delivered me over 8 years ago! I couldn't do it on my own. I'm walking testimony to the Power of God. I was lost in a gallon of hard liquor myself daily. Loss count over 25 times in rehabs & institutions! tried & tried & coudn't do it on my own! Then one night, my Pastor came to my home while I was drunk, laid hands on me, and I fell to the floor slain in The Holy Spirit for the 1st time! haven't been the same since! rarely even have a thought about the devil's juice that nearly killed me. PRAISE GOD! OWE HIM EVERYTHING!!!
I took a break from drinking as I tend to get too drunk easily
I don’t not drink , but I also don’t regularly drink. Pretty much I only drink if I’m with other people at a special event where there’s alcohol, and usually it has to be free for me to participate, and even then, usually only one or two drinks. Drinking doesn’t bother me necessarily, I just don’t really get anything from it. I certainly can be affected by it, but it’s just not something I like doing very much.
Also, I am chronically dehydrated, so consuming alcohol does not help any lol
well, cheers to you if alcohol is your only addiction ;)
I used to drink regularly. At first it was every weekend. Then it turned into every night. I wasn't getting drunk all the time, but one or two drinks daily.
Then one day I decided to try and take a week off. I did the first week, then the second, third and fourth. I'm now several months sober.
I'm actually not trying to quit completely. If I get invited by a friend to have a few beers I'll do it. I just realised I don't need to drink for no reason anymore.
Use to be more of a drinker however over the past 18 months I slowed it down alot coming to the conclusion of you should still be able to go out and have a good time sober... if u need alcohol you don't have much of a personality does it make outings funner sure...it's just so normalized in people's minds that it's a common thing among adults...the other day went out for coffee I was downing a bunch and my friend said ur getting another I'll look at them and say if it were a beer u wouldn't say that u see how weird that is and they said u make a good point idk just my 2 sats
I'm trying to cut down on the drinking, usually its a weekend box of white claws or an IPA 6 pack. Alcohol becomes a problem when people start using it as a crutch.
Mind your crutches freaks
I can live happily without alcohol, and there are so many better and healthier drinks out there.
When I drink some Coke now I always remember your comment that you don't drink it anymore because it feels like suicide, lol
Coca-Cola is my go-to for clogged drains!
and yet, you still drinking it!
What are your go to non-alcoholic drinks?
just recently rediscovered how good a Pacifico is. . . .by golly. I'll be sipping on one of them come this evening, trust. Cheers brother
Friday is a good day to drink.
I drink once or twice a week. Only one beer, I'm not a good drinker and my hangovers last every time longer
So, I do drink a beer only to socialize with some peers.
I'd rather by SATs than booze.
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