Please BOYCOTT Reddit ! Is a fucking trash that don't deserve any clickbait. I will never ever click any reddit, FBIbook, Instashit links and all that crap.
Preach Darth. Cos F em that's why. Reddits just a cesspool of people waiting to jump on anything they can with "Aaaakkkkccchhuuuallllly". Once you free yourself from that place and just chill here, you notice such a huge difference.
but I like laughing at pledditors
what if i just like staring at shit from afar
Is just a matter of time...
lol never change darth
Lol. We all need to be more Darth…
101 sats \ 14 replies \ @anon 7 Mar
lol, try be Darth IRL, you'll get punched in the face
I find it more depressing to read through the comments. Is it not the same for you?
More funny than depressing?
Things that might depress me are violence, theft, disease... Basically, people suffering through no fault of their own.
That's not what we see on a place like Reddit. While the creatures that lurk within the depths of r/buttcoin or r/btc are no doubt miserable, it's an entirely self-inflicted form of misery. It's not a question of intelligence, or access to information, or anything other than outright stubbornness to update one's own worldview when the thing you declared dead 17 times just made a fresh ATH. That's comedy.
Maybe that's just my sense of humor? I like to make fun of people, and sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. SN for example is full of complete schizos, but I love them all the same. I'm probably one of them, after all.