what if i just like staring at shit from afar
Is just a matter of time...
lol never change darth
Lol. We all need to be more Darth…
101 sats \ 14 replies \ @anon 7 Mar
lol, try be Darth IRL, you'll get punched in the face
Never go full Darth. Check it out. @siggy47, looked Darth, act Darth, not Darth. Drives a Toyota, spends fiat. Maxi, sure. Not Darth. Then you got @Natalia, anti-fiat, yes, Darth maybe, honey shampoo, But charms the locals wherever she goes and learns craft skills. That ain't Darth. And she is a goddamn stacker hero..... You went full Darth, man. Never go full Darth.
What's going on here? This conversation is already quite deep and it's not even on the first page anymore. I only found it because I was looking at the top comments.
words of wisdom right there Darth has done good work for the space there is no question about it but I'd stop at trying to punch people into seeing the "truth" lol
That means you really hate the truth to be told in your face...
honest doesn't mean you get to verbally abuse them beating "truth" into people has been shown to not have lasting effects unless you want to make slaves out of people or something or be a tyrant who no one wants to question or engage with lest they snap at you because they feel like it
123 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 7 Mar
antisocial behavior doesn't really work IRL Darth, it only works online here you can have fun being cunt you do good work with educating people and you have a lot of experience but the moment someone disagrees with you you flip out, lol
...and I don't give a shit about anons
antisocial behavior
What that even mean? Obeying other's social rules? Fuck that. I will never obey "social rules".