My state has automatic voter registration and clearly you're uninformed on how it works. You're enrolled when you turn 18 but that's only for those that have drivers licenses or state id cards prior to your 18th birthday and where they showed documentation proving citizenship when they got.those DL's.or ID's. Obviously in states where undocumented immigrants can get ID's and Drivers licenses they won't be enrolled because they didn't show proof of citizenship to obtain those. Get it? This isn't a you're just against anything that makes it cast a ballot or to get young people engaged and voting because when more people vote your side loses.
Why is voter identification a difficult concept for you
Automatic registration is a recipe for mistakes and fraudulent voter registration lists
Showing ID to cast a ballot is not onerous
Your state doesn’t give drivers licenses to undocumented?
Every state has a different process for automatic voter registration. Why would Democrats want to exclude undocumented from registration? Democrats want to win even if they have to cheat