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Regarding dark triad in leadership positions, you overlooked something more important: physical appearance.
Most CEO are tall men, over 6 feet.
Most female CEO are blonde. Real or fake blonde hair.
Attractive people with dark triad are very successful.
Is it possible to be attractive and not possess dark triad traits? maybe 5 percent
Narcissism Psychopathy Machiavelli
Machiavelli is a good trait. It’s cynical but not dark.
I tested higher than average for psychopathy
Legit good point about attractive people rising to power, often times unfairly. I know lots of attractive people that don’t posses dark triad traits though. That five percent figure seems dubious.
…I also feel as if this response opens up the door for so many good jokes.
5 percent is my guess. What’s your guess?
I would guess that they (attractive people) are similar to the rest of the population in terms of being narcissists, Machiavellians, and psychopaths. I do agree that they do tend to rise to power more prevalently (as do those personality types independently) though just because we’re more biased in their favor.
Attractive people know how to manipulate people better than anyone because they are used to people doing favors for them
They are more narcissistic than plain looking people.
I mean, maybe. People do tend to give a lot of unmerited preference/favors to good looking folks.
I just know a handful of true narcissists who are neither attractive nor otherwise exceptional. Aside from being self-obsessed, the biggest trait that most narcissists I’ve met have in common is that they’re dangerously delusional…which may mean that I’m at risk, come to think of it!
Here is a thought experiment:
Super attractive but average intelligence
Average looks but super smart
For women, the answer is obvious
What about for men? I would pick super attractive and average intelligent
Thanks great analysis on top of great analysis, makes me think!
Right on 👍