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I went to a talk recently by Arthur Brooks, who's a Harvard Business School professor who teaches about happiness. The talk itself was good in that it gave voice to the wisdom of the ancients. Faith, family, friends and work are the essential ingredients of happiness, according to him.
At the end of the talk, he gave us, the audience a challenge. His analysis was that the dark-triad personalities were responsible for creating much of the unhappiness we see and experience. These are the people with offensive personality traits that include narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. His complaint was that too many of those people are now in control of institutions leading to a great deal of unnecessary and civilization-destroying strife.
I largely agreed that there's a small minority that causes a lot of the evil, but what I wanted to say and didn't get to say due to time constraints is that the current system incentivizes these types of people getting into positions of power. Hence, in my frustration at my not having had a chance to explain my reasoning, I write this essay.
Dark triad personality traits thrive in zero-sum games. Well let me qualify that. They thrive in zero-sum games where there are a lot of players, a lot being larger than Dunbar's number (~150). Under that number, it's hard to get away with dark-triad behavior because there's a collective moral intelligence at work. When in small-ish communities, dark triad traits are weeded out or at least marginalized. But beyond that number, most people know only a relatively small percentage of the people in the group and they instead have to back leaders based on limited information.
And this is where dark triad traits thrive. They are master manipulators and they can win these zero-sum games by doing the unethical. They generally give great first impressions, and only later are they found to be lacking empathy or morals. Sadly, society is currently full of large scale organizations where these dynamics are at play and you can see their operation in almost every institution. And that game has a name: politics, and nearly everything is infected with it.
Put simply, dark triad personalities have a massive advantage in political, zero-sum games and as such, they will be way over-represented in leadership positions. The largeness allows such people to get away with their immoral behavior and creates a lot of opportunities for them.
Sadly, nearly everything is large scale enough where dark triad traits win. Government, business, academia, media, education. It's pretty hard to come up with places where the dark triad traits don't have a massive advantage.
Yet there is one area of the economy and and it's small business entrepreneurialism. And no, I'm not talking about VC backed startups. The Silicon Valley VC world is a large institution where political maneuvering matters just as much as government or media and dark triad traits still have a massive advantage as witnessed by Elizabeth Holmes, Adam Neumann and Sam Bankman-Fried. When I say entrepreneurialism, I'm talking about normal small businesses like a deli or a car wash. There's much less politicking there and little room for dark triad personalities to take the reins. The environments are too small and there are not enough places to hide for people like that to win. Positive-sum games like market transactions, give no room for rent-seeking dark triad behaviors. Such behaviors don't work where value has to be provided specifically because of the immediacy of needing to make a profit.
Small businesses are what built civilization. It's only in the last 100 years or so with the advent of central banking that politics and zero-sum games have infected everything. So the question to ask isn't how do we stop these dark triad personalities from getting to the helm of these institutions. The correct question is how do we change the system so politics and zero-sum games are not so prevalent.
And this is where we need to talk about the economic system we are all under. It's way more Marxist than we'd like to believe. Marxism is what creates large political organizations where dark triad traits thrive. These are cancers to civilization and they're unfortunately growing in what were formerly thriving nations.
The 5th plank of the communist manifesto was the control of money by the government. The reason we have the system we have now that's getting closer to Marxism is because of the monetary system.
So to answer the professor's question, the economic system is the reason why dark triad personalities thrive. The permanent average reduction in happiness that he pointed out in 2008 and 2020, were argued to be the result of social media and corona lockdowns. I would argue that they were both massive inflationary events for the world economy. If you study hyperinflation, monetary debasement correlates strongly with unhappiness, probably because people don't like having their stuff taken away from them by inflation or otherwise. I would suggest that this is because monetary debasement adds a lot more zero-sum games giving huge advantages to dark-triad traits, which combined with the concentration/centralization of power which debasement also induces, makes everyone more miserable.
To fix the problem of evil people thriving, we must change the system so it doesn't produce such bloated, inefficient, zero-sum institutions that give evil people so many advantages.
Arthur Brooks, who's a Harvard Business School professor who teaches about happiness. The talk itself was good in that it gave voice to the wisdom of the ancients. Faith, family, friends and work are the essential ingredients of happiness, according to him.
The ancients didn't prattle on about happiness. It's a modern obsession and one that the culturally shallow USA is particularly obsessed with (Jefferson famously writing 'the pursuit of happiness' into the Declaration of Independence).
To be a little more generous in interpretation, the ancients did talk about how to suffer less, which may be roughly, and only very roughly, seen as somewhat equivalent to happiness. But not really, because the ancients knew that the 'pursuit of happiness' is the pursuit of a fleeting thing, and a thing that can never be held on to, nor guaranteed.
But suffering builds character!
Stoicism requires suffering?
Happiness without psycho babble
Dude, the 1st chapter of the Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is literally just about happiness. And how his view differs from that of Plato and Socrates. As in, it's the most important question they were trying to resolve. Same goes for the Stoics. You couldn't be more wrong.
There’s a prescient book by Fareed Zakaria called “The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad” from back in 2003 that predicts a lot of this. I read it back then in school and remember thinking, “this is plausible!” I think you’re diagnosing a lot of that sentiment now seeing it has actually played out.
Which examples are most prominent?
That book blames democracy more than currency debasement, but the basic expectation was that these unhealthy types of personality would become more valued in western society in the following years. He mentions the idea of dynastic and celebrity politicians who basically milk government while it’s secretly run by a cabal of career bureaucrats. Churches would continue to consolidate into mega-churches and become more consumeristic while small businesses would be squashed by lobbyists and billionaire investors. It has a very “follow the money” approach (and actually uses that quite a lot) but doesn’t go so far as to look at the money printer as the primary corrupting force.
I know Zakaria is on the video news now, but I don’t really follow him anymore. It’s kind of ironic, because I thought one of the critiques in the book was of the transfer from print to tv journalism. Maybe I’m remembering that wrong. All this to say, his views may have changed. He definitely saw a lot of our modern unhappy trends coming back in the day though.
Did his book focus on USA 🇺🇸 or other countries?
Both, I guess everything I mentioned were his predictions for the US, but he talks a lot about India, Jordan, and what was Yugoslavia just a number of years prior. There’s a whole chapter on what he refers to as, “The Islamic Exception.”
Interesting. I would add that in all size groups, perfectly reasonable people with good ideas, even the best ones sometimes, get marginalized. No doubt you've thought of this, but it seemed to be a blind spot of the article.
Another, the 'master manipulators' bit. I think only at the margins. I just think many of the lessons of deception are lost on modern man, and so there is free reign for a larger percentage of the triads than there would typically be in a working society. For the most part, there are a lot of wannabe manipulators who use low skill techniques. It's not lost on me that, the larger the group, the easier it is for them to find low skill victims. But I think the real dark triads are also easily identified under a bright light too, and too often given more power than they are due - villainy is glorified and ascribed intelligence. The reality is that it takes a broken personality and a broken mindset to be capable of such deception. Broken people leave the signs of... brokenness.
Also, it is the very lessons of game theory that show why dark triad is an achilles heel for them. They don't get to play just one game. They have to uphold reputation. In larger groups they get cover - they can travel with the circus. But technology is catching up to the mean, where it will be much easier to spot.
I think dark triad has an advantage, but a larger disadvantage. It requires a faith in humanity to agree - a belief that good works better than evil, that it is a choice we all make, and that it is nature over nurture. It is only in these weird times where triad has an advantage that bears fruit. But they pile up that fruit, and it rots in time.
I agree entirely that a proper economic system minimizes suffering of victims and maximizes regulation of dark triads. That system is laissez faire maximization of individual liberty + educated / high information populace + technologies that empower the weakest among us to participate on a level field.
Regarding dark triad in leadership positions, you overlooked something more important: physical appearance.
Most CEO are tall men, over 6 feet.
Most female CEO are blonde. Real or fake blonde hair.
Attractive people with dark triad are very successful.
Is it possible to be attractive and not possess dark triad traits? maybe 5 percent
Narcissism Psychopathy Machiavelli
Machiavelli is a good trait. It’s cynical but not dark.
I tested higher than average for psychopathy
Legit good point about attractive people rising to power, often times unfairly. I know lots of attractive people that don’t posses dark triad traits though. That five percent figure seems dubious.
…I also feel as if this response opens up the door for so many good jokes.
5 percent is my guess. What’s your guess?
I would guess that they (attractive people) are similar to the rest of the population in terms of being narcissists, Machiavellians, and psychopaths. I do agree that they do tend to rise to power more prevalently (as do those personality types independently) though just because we’re more biased in their favor.
Attractive people know how to manipulate people better than anyone because they are used to people doing favors for them
They are more narcissistic than plain looking people.
I mean, maybe. People do tend to give a lot of unmerited preference/favors to good looking folks.
I just know a handful of true narcissists who are neither attractive nor otherwise exceptional. Aside from being self-obsessed, the biggest trait that most narcissists I’ve met have in common is that they’re dangerously delusional…which may mean that I’m at risk, come to think of it!
Thanks great analysis on top of great analysis, makes me think!
Right on 👍
Dark triad personality traits thrive in zero-sum games. Well let me qualify that. They thrive in zero-sum games where there are a lot of players, a lot being larger than Dunbar's number (~150). Under that number, it's hard to get away with dark-triad behavior because there's a collective moral intelligence at work.
I've thought about the prisoner's dilemma often. I once saw a documentary where Richard Dawkins talked about the programs people made in the 1980's to explore strategies. The gist of the experiment is that they assigned values to the permutations of defect/cooperate in one on one trials and the programs each had their own algorithms for deciding what to do with the other program with access to memory of previous trials.The conclusion of that study was that "tit for tat" tends to work best and that "nice" programs outperformed nasty ones.
The problem is that the simulation assumes that you know both who is the actor and whether they defected or cooperated in realtime. The real world is much messier and psychopaths thrive in that ambiguity with deceptive tactics. If you don't know that I'm screwing you how could you possibly resist me? That's fundamentally what fiat is about.
The lack of accounting for this factor seems like the massive simplification that leads to incomplete/false conclusions. It would be interesting if you could tweak those computer simulations so that you inject random noise that obfuscates both "who" is acting and "what" they did especially in the case of a defect. Imagine simulating a "long con" where you don't even know you got screwed 100 trials ago but now you found out you're down big.
It would be interesting to see how transparency/move fidelity would affect which program wins. I guess I have a hackathon project now lol.
There is also another element. It's not the system that does the acting, it's people. People are responsible for their actions and we the people are able to say, "no."
Saying, "no"is how we regulate normalcy in "systems". When enough "no" people enact responsible action the default is Dharma which is the law of the Universe or God. This is the only law that there is.
Karma is literally one's intentional action. We are responsible for our actions. Government is mind control. That is by etymology the steering ( Gubern < Kubern which is the Greek word for steering and Ment < Mental < mentis which is mind.) By steering our own minds we govern our selves. We do this anyway but we can't outsource our minds when we are aware that we are responsible for the actions that we do.
This is why the spiritual life is the real life and the secular life is the one that is asleep.
Walking up is following the Christ, Krishna and awakened Buddha within. Then there is the non-binary hexagram of male and female energy ☯️, yab and yum, yin and yang intertwined by marriage to the opposite sex and all the blessings that go with this union.
It is the Virgin Goddess, The Masculine God and the Son.
It's an old story passed on anthropologically, symbolically and esoterically. Meanwhile, the Novus ordo seclorum or New World Order appropriates the Age of Aquarius and the end of Pisces by showing pyramids, Mon+eyes and "leadership" based on the continual steering of the common man into slavery.
And it's nothing new. The central banks are full of Occultists who relish to maintain their game that ensures, ensnares and entertained the masses whilst they protect their own dark activities.
Below is the famous Zimbabwe dollar and it's image of three stones is a primordial symbol of the holy Trinity. It's an ancient symbol where people are ignorant of numbers, language but not of symbol. Burned into the minds of our ancestors is the concept of the foundation of female Earth, the lingum of masculine energy or obelisk and the child. This Trinity is appropriated by the masters of the occult and money.