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Prepare! What follows is a recent [Serious] post off of R/Buttcoin.

[SERIOUS] Have Bitcoiners, particularly the brigaders, ever taken even a high school or basic economics class?

Over the last few weeks with number going up and us being flooded by pro-Bitcoin users, I've seen some really dumb takes from them. They include everything from "the US government prints money out of thin air", to "Bitcoin is superior to the barter system", to "banks are bad", to "deflationary currency is good", to "non-reversibility is a good thing", and so on.
I'm not an economist, but seriously: did these people ever take an economics class in high school or college? Have they never heard of what a monetary policy is? Do they understand what inflation is? Have they never looked up the case of the Zimbabwean dollar? Have they never learned about the history of money, as in how we went from bartering to using commodities as money to using the gold standard to using the Bretton Woods system to the current system? Have they never heard about why deflation is bad (hi Japan) or how it sucks for people with debt? And finally, have they never learned in their economics class that the point of money is, well, to be spent and not hodl'd? Like the reason why some inflation is good is because it encourages spending, which boosts the economy?
The thing is, some of the concepts I brought up aren't even college-level stuff. You learn them as early as high school, especially inflation, deflation, and the history of money. That means there should be no excuse for them to not at least have a basic understanding of these concepts. Did they just forget about their economics classes or something, or did they never take them to begin with? Because if they understood or remembered any of these, they'd get why their talking points can get so wrong.

Prepare! Fabs' taking over again.

It's wild, absolutely wild, that individuals like the above are still out there en masse! They like to proclaim how intellectual and especially how in the know they are about the whole topic, yet can't be bothered to expand on any of the points they raise... Pathetic, close-minded clowns.
As sad as the above is, I hope you've been able to squeeze a laugh out of it- just like I was able to, somehow...
Yes, on the one hand they are on their way if they keep an open mind, on the other hand they are morons if they're even real and not just trolling shitcoiners and/or people arguing with themselves.
I'd disagree with 'non-reversibility is bad'? Did you mistype? I assume you mean having a central authority who can reverse transactions like VISA or Vitalik? Is no good. Unless aware parties contract in a specific context to allow 3rd party escrow, insurance, or guarantee, it is best that accountability be based on the agreement between them... but I can imagine a scenario in which bitcoin reigns and there are custodial options that guarantee purchases on a non-trustless network. Say Walmart runs a 2nd layer where you can use the full faith and credit of your reputation in combination with the full faith and credit of theirs to make a vehicle purchase that can be returned on certain terms.
And I would also disagree with the point of money is to be spent and not hodl'd in many contexts. The point of money is to facilitate trade. You have apple I have orange, I don't want apple, but you want orange. Give me dollar instead, everyone has dollar. Saving in a sane economy is good - and good money (non-fiat) doesn't punish that. TLDR Hoarding is a negative connotation created to bring silver to FDR, essential
that's a sad truth! bitcoin fix this 😂