I’m actually more afraid of dying before my time these days. I mean, when I was single and happily gallivanting around the world, I didn’t have to account to anyone, except for my parents. But now I have dependents - my wife n kids. I think my apprehension is compounded by the fact that my wife is a foreigner. I have to try to live longer than her so that I can bring her ashes back to her hometown haha.
I’m a bit blown away by your thinking wrt “immortality project”. Here I am, trying to get through every day, but you are already weighing the existence of your daughter in the broader context of a legacy and your fanily tree. Kinda reminds me of the parable about the three bricklayers 👍
I relate to that feeling too. My family certainly gives me more reason to cling desperately to the mortal coil. I guess it's a complicated dynamic.