I wanted to give @gnilma a shout out for suggesting Mario Party for the switch as a good game that both my 13 year old and 5 year could play.
Excellent recommendation and fun for everyone. Even my wife and I have been enjoying playing with them.
Thanks for the shout out.
In return, I would like to shout you out for keep talking about Luigi's Mansion 3. I went and bought the game and is current having my ass kicked by King Boo. Great and fun game that I really enjoy playing with my older son, and my little one loves to watch us play.
King Boo is a tough final boss. Very fun game.
Luigi Mansion 3 also has get replay-ability I prefer it as an October/ Halloween game up it is fun anytime of the year.
We played a ton of Mario Party in undergrad. That was on some previous platform, but it's definitely fun for all ages.
You should get that for your little one when she gets a bit older.