You really treat your body like a shrine, huh?
As a teacher who starts work at 7.45am, I’m afraid that my morning routine doesn’t allow me to make my coffee. I typically have one cup of black coffee (no sugar) at the coffee shop at around 6.45am. I NEED it, otherwise I will feel cranky throughout the day. I can even feel that I’m developing a headache though perhaps it’s the Placebo effect.
I used to have a second cup of coffee during lunch at school. A perk-me-up so that I can better manage the rascals under my charge. But I have killed this habit this week.
That’s because I occasionally had a third cup of coffee in the evening before I picked up my children. However, this week, I read an article from a government agency about how drinking three cups of coffee will exceed the recommended caffeine intake for my day. So I abandoned my afternoon dose and savour coffee at around 6.15pm, enjoying my Me time until I have to pick up my kids.
I don’t particularly care if the guides say no caffeine intake after noon. My evening cup is for SURVIVAL purposes haha