interesting, i’m actually surprised democrats haven’t taken action to raise the minimum wage recently.
i agree that the number basically does nothing, but it’s a talking point democrats can use to explain how they’re helping low income earners.
I think it might be the same reason neither party tries to solve the problems they campaign on: they'd have to find something else to campaign on.
Minimum wage has the added problem of making life worse for the poor on average (it's extremely complicated and we can get into the details if anyone wants to) and most of the Democrat run states already have huge problems with homelessness. Actually raising it significantly would be gas on the fire.
there's a woman in new york, i think, running for senate that is campaigning on fighting for a federal $50/hr minimum wage.
$1000 per hour and a government mandated Ferrari or you're a bigot ( •̀ - •́ )
shit. i've been a bigot my whole life and i didn't even know it.