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I haven't started a study after finishing high school, and thus, only hold a degree from said highschool to my name.
Although I don't necessarily feel "uneducated", I do feel as if I'm lacking behind someone who does have absolved a study, and thus, someone who has that expensive piece of paper to his name, onto the question: How important is having absolved a study, and thus, owning a high-quality degree nowadays in regards to dating?
I know that one can be well-read and competent without having to achieve the above, but man; as soon as people ask the inevitable "so what are you studying?" - after talking about how they're almost done with their Master's in Psychology or Criminology, of course -, I feel like an idiot while telling them that all I did was work bullshit jobs since highschool, and that I am jobless right now, and that feeling is only strengthened by the looks and reactions one gets...
I have a feeling that men are much more laid-back when it comes to their spouses level of education, and thus, ability to provide, as that's a man's job anyway, right?! Well, I also think that the opposite is true for women; for a man with a low level of education will have a harder time providing- or something along those lines, I'm sure you get where I'm going with this.
Happy to hear you guys experiences in regards to the above.
Hmm, a thought provoking question...
I can kind of relate since I only have an associate's degree to my name and my partner has a bachelor's, so in that sense she is the more "educated" of us two. At least from personal experience, dating and therefore attraction at it's core has nothing to do with something external like academic background, college degrees, job, status, etc. It all comes down to the person's confidence in him or herself (especially if you're a man), which comes from first living your own life, experiencing as much of life as there is to offer, and focusing on continued personal growth. When my now girlfriend approached me in community college, I wasn't actively looking to date or anything, I was just focused on my own life and thinking about how to further improve my life. By this time, I had had the opportunity to live abroad in Europe for 5 years which in hindsight helped me build confidence in myself and allowed me to widen my perspective and have a more open mind after seeing and experiencing more of the world. It may sound cliche, but it is true that when you stop caring about girls and obsessing over them, and instead focus fully on becoming a better version of yourself, you will begin to attract them instead of you chasing them around.
Therefore, to answer your question, unless acquiring a certain college degree is part of what drives you, excites you, and what you want to do for yourself, a college degree is not important at all when it comes to dating.
but it is true that when you stop caring about girls and obsessing over them, and instead focus fully on becoming a better version of yourself, you will begin to attract them instead of you chasing them around.
agree! don't chase but attract.
I went to college but I’m gen X. For gen Y or younger, college is probably a waste. most careers that want excessive education have quotas, especially medicine. In the US, white males need an exceptional score on the MCAT (35+) to have a chance at medical school.
It depends on your preferences, but as a man, the more intelligence, skill, and danger, involved, the more money you can make. Obviously owning your own business is the route to wealth, but that’s not something I know much about.
Most women are not going to be very interested unless you have something to offer. Results beat education every time.
Hm, makes sense. It's not about how you earn, but that you earn - the more, the better.
I would never pick a black doctor because of affirmative action
1000 percent correct
Good advice
Income is highly correlated with IQ
College students today have average IQ = 102 In 1939 college students IQ = 119.
Too many people are applying to college but many should not. A person with 102 IQ cannot handle a college curriculum. A real curriculum not gender studies or social justice nonsense
Depends on if you want a career, and in what field.
If you want to be a doctor, you should probably go to school.
If you want to do something creative or with computers, just start getting real world experience.
Better to wait a bit, find yourself, than to spend money on a degree that you don't really want.
Women will love you if you are confident in yourself.
The best major for most college students is micro-economics.
Economics will prepare you for any field.
Economics has also been least affected by campus ideology and diversity nonsense.
Most affirmative action students don’t pursue economics because it’s too hard
It's not, nowadays. You better off spending that money on Bitcoin, I bet it will get you more chicks than college degrees...lol
in dating? what does that have to do with a college degree?
if you find a partner who cares about a degree, run for your life and go buy some bitcoin
I think it depends on what else you have going on in your life. Do you have a solid career, or are working your way towards one? Are you doing interesting things in general? Are you competing in sports? Did you complete an Ironman? Have you started a business? Are you confident and upbeat?
My opinion of college has plummeted in the past decade or so. I would think more highly of a young person if they weren't going to college, as long as they were positive and had something else going on (i.e. not living in mom's basement playing video games).
Check out my comment here - #404473
Hm, I see, but why are you so clear about your stance to gaming?
Probably because I've known a couple young guys who are completely into gaming, nothing else. They usually seem to be on the path to nowhere...
I would say it's one factor among many for how your life will most naturally evolve. Taking your parents as a guide, which one is more educated? In growing up you've learned a lot consciously and subconsciously about how relationships work under such circumstances. It's very common for people to follow a similar path to their parents as far as what feels natural.
Of course, you could be different. You could be one to ford a new path or to reject the patterns of the past. This is probably the way that benefits most from lengthy yet economically-considered education. Does being a first doctor or lawyer or billionaire in your family sound enticing?
I don't really care much - I studied finance in university, lol, but skipped most classes and kept learning English on my own because I found out that I could asses an ocean of material and knowledge on the internet! why bother going to boring classes?
And the way I see dating, the most important thing is he isn't stupid, and Bitcoin is a good filter - maybe you need to find the ones who value Bitcoin more than any school certificates.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 29 Feb 2024
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Thanks 😋