“the key to living well is first to will that which is necessary and then to love that which is willed.” Irving D. Yalom
That's an interesting quote. I have read that book twice. It seems to be expressing the idea that acceptance and embracing what is necessary in life is important for living well. Rather than resisting or being unhappy with unavoidable realities, we should strive to willfully accept them first, and then learn to love and appreciate the situation we have willingly accepted. It suggests cultivating a mindset of positivity, resilience and making the best of one's circumstances. I think there is wisdom in that perspective, while also recognizing that it is not always easy to achieve. Appreciating and loving that which is difficult or unwanted can be very challenging, but striving towards that kind of acceptance and mindset shift may help reduce unnecessary suffering. It's an intriguing viewpoint on how to approach life's inevitable difficulties and constraints.